Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Giza Pyramid Site Of Giza - 906 Words

This essay will be examining the World Heritage listed site of â€Å"Memphis and its Necropolis - the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur†, typically referred to as the Giza pyramid site. The Giza pyramid site consists of not only the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx, but also lesser known components such as cemeteries and workers village. The site is located in Giza, close to modern day Cairo in Egypt. Figure 1 below shows the layout of the site The Giza pyramid site is an ancient Egypt burial site. To understand the significance of the Giza pyramid site it is necessary to first understand the rise of Egyptian civilization, and the religious significance of burial customs. Egyptian civilization began when settlers arrived in the fertile Nile valley around 3500 BCE. Oral traditions and history were preserved as written communication in the form of hieroglyphics which developed around 3100 BCE (British Museum, 2016). The deciphering of hieroglyphics in the nineteenth century assisted greatly in understanding the ancient Egyptian world. Initially Egypt was divided into two areas, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, and the unification of these two areas is considered the start of the dynasties of Egyptian kings (pharaohs). Even before the times of the pharaohs, burial tombs for eminent ancient Egyptians were mastabas (literally â€Å"bench of mud†). These were flat top rectangular structures built over the top of burial chambers set deep underground. The purpose of the mastabaShow MoreRelatedThe Great Pyramid of Giza Essay679 Words   |  3 PagesThe Great Pyramid of Giza Who built the Great Pyramid? The Great Pyramid was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Khufuwas born in 2589 BC - 2566 BC. His real name was Khnum-khuf meaning the god Khnum is his protection. Khufuwas the son of another great pyramid builder, King Sneferu. Khufus mothers name was Hetepheres. Khufuwas the second king in the 4th dynasty. 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