Saturday, January 18, 2020

Nvq 3 Assignment 307 Avi

307 AIV Explain TWO ways of helping other practitioners to understand the different systems used to record information in adult social care settings. Answer: Explain them, let them shadow you, monitor them as they use them. 206 AI Explain THREE differences between a WORKING relationship and a PERSONAL relationship. Answer: A personal relationship is one where your personal life and extra curricular activities and social life are involved. A work relationship is another way of describing a relationship with your coworker. You spend time together at work, you work well together, but you have little or no contact outside of work.It's strictly professional. 206 AII Give TWO examples of different working relationship in an adult social care setting Answer: The relationship between manager and care worker, the relationship between care worker and care worker, the relationship between nursing staff and care staff†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. and so on. 206 AIII Explain why it is important that so cial care workers to work in partnership with individuals using the service and their family Answer: It is very important that you work in partnership with your colleagues and all other people.This will include carers, families, advocates, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, other health professionals, social workers, voluntary organisations and other people. Others people may be able to provide useful information to support you in your work and you may be able to provide useful information to support them in being part of the individual’s lives. This is good partnership working. If there are communication difficulties with service users. A carer or family member can share information with you about how you can best communicate with an individual. 206 AIVIdentify THREE ways of working that can help improve partnership working Answer: 1) it is important to work with others as we have a common goal to protect from harm such as illness abuse or injury to ensure we are all involved in decision making to contribute to the growth and development of the whole team 2) using your skills to the best of your ability, train new staff, attend training,know your own role and responsibilitys 3) seek advice from your manager if you had issues in your working relationships. seek advice from your manager if you were unable to resolve the conflict yourselfTask D Presentation or report Prepare a presentation or report on an issue or area of public concern related to the care profession. Your presentation or report should include: †¢ A description of the issue or area of public concern raised †¢ An outline of the different points of view regarding the issue or area of public concern raised †¢ A description of how the issue or area of public concern has affected service provision and methods of working †¢ A description of how public opinion is affected by issues and areas of concern in either the health, social care or children’s and young pe ople's sectorsThe fallout from Panorama's programme on 31 May, Undercover Care, is being felt across social care. The BBC screened undercover footage of people with learning disabilities being choked, pushed and taunted by members of staff at Winterbourne View hospital, run by Castlebeck. Arrests made/hospital closed Police have arrested and bailed 11 people in relation to the case, on suspicion of ill-treatment under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, while Castlebeck has suspended two managers and 11 front line members of staff. The 24-bed hospital has now closed.The provider has apologised unreservedly for the abuse and commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers to carry out an investigation into its services. However, in a damning report on Winterbourne View, the Care Quality Commission accused Castlebeck of â€Å"misleading† it by failing in its duty to report serious incidents to the regulator. This was followed by a damning report on Castlebeck as a whole by the CQC, which found t hat half of its services were not meeting essential standards. Since then, two other Castlebeck services for people with learning disabilities, Rose Villa and Arden Vale, have closed after the CQC threatened legal action.Whistleblowing concerns Concerns at Winterbourne View came to light after a charge nurse raised the issue with the hospital in October 2010 and his allegations were passed on to the local authority, South Gloucester shire Council, in its capacity as lead safeguarding agency, and then relayed to the CQC in December. However, Castlebeck admits that its own whistleblowing procedures were not followed, and a multi-disciplinary safeguarding meeting into the issue was not held until February 2011.The CQC also failed to contact the whistleblower, which it admitted prevented it from taking swift action. It has subsequently disciplined a member of staff over the case, while it has also emerged that the CQC did not conduct any inspections of learning disability hospitalsbetwe en October 2010, when concerns were raised at Winterbourne, and January 2011 The CQC is also conducting an internal review into its role, while South Gloucester shire Safeguarding Adult Board has launched a serious case review, which will be chaired by adult protection expert Margaret Flynn.Care services minister Paul Burstow is considering an independent review into the case, to examine failings by the CQC and safeguarding agencies, and will decide whether to call a probe on the basis of the SCR's findings. In addition, Burstow has called on the CQC to carry out a series of unannounced inspections of learning disability hospitals such as Winterbourne View. This comes with use of private hospitals on the increase and in the wake of two national audits of specialist health provision for learning disabled people in recent years, both of which identified poor standards.Commissioners are also subjecting learning disability hospitals to extra scrutiny in the wake of the scandal, while th e number of inspections by the CQC has rocketed. Experts demand reform However, 86 learning disability experts and organisations have written to government to say this is not enough, and that learning disability services need wholesale reform, including an end to placements in hospitals and investment in alternatives in the community.Though these placements are designed for short-term assessment and treatment, aCommunity Care investigation found that patients had been resident in them for an average of almost two years, with one in five in hospitals for at least five years. However, a government-commissioned report has warned that there are few incentives for providers or commissioners to overhaul private hospital services. Good practiseCommunity Care has published a number of good practise pieces responding to the case: Why institutional services such as Winterbourne are still being commissioneddespite years of expert guidance calling for community-based alternatives to be used ins tead. How staff training and good recruitment practises can ensure good-quality residential care for people with learning disabilities. Training tips for providers working with adults with challenging behaviour, from the British Institute of Learning Disabilities.Community Care has also published a number of opinion pieces responding to the case: Social worker Phil Collins says the profession must stand up and be counted in hospital and secure settings. The manager of a private mental health hospital examines the barriers to good safeguarding facing the sector. The British Institute of Learning Disabilities' Sharon Paley sets out her blueprint for avoiding another Winterbourne View.A council contract monitoring officer argues that it is becoming harder to tackle poor quality care because of cuts. A therapist questions the claims of some learning disability services to offer ‘therapeutic environments'. Castlebeck was urged to put values at the heart of its services by Andy Lusk , director of autism services at the charity Ambitious about Autism. Debate is raging online on what the case means for care services for vulnerable people. Have your say on Community Care’s Care Space forum.

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