Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to design a network Essay Example For Students

Step by step instructions to plan a system Essay The school of Business (COB) server is currently being utilized to help convey to theComputer Information System (CIS) division. The CIS teachers would utilize the serverfor different tasks. Assignments, email, and different kinds of data would be simpler forthe understudies to get to. System clients can share records, printers and different assets; sendelectronic messages and run programs on different PCs. Be that as it may, certain significant issuesneed to be tended to and focused on. So as to start the way toward setting up the COBserver, the absolute quantities of clients (staff and understudies) must be resolved. Some othersignificant components to be drawn nearer are: the necessary programming applications required on thenetwork, a productive and suitable registry structure and powerful security structure. Indesigning the catalog structure, the significant spotlight must be on openness. The number ofundergraduate CIS courses that the server will be utilized for is be! tween 15 and 17. For the clients to be guaranteed that their data isn't in danger, we will createan successful security structure. In forming the suitable security structure there must becertain get to rights doled out to the clients. A significant specialized detail in setting up a server isthe measure of cash that should be allotted for the rebuilding of the framework. For thesystem to work appropriately, the measure of equipment/programming should be resolved. The COB server will fundamentally be utilized by CIS teachers and CIS understudies. Theapproximate number of teachers in the CIS office is somewhere in the range of five and seven and theapproximate number of CIS majors is somewhere in the range of 100 and 120. As PC innovation continuesto develop, the quantity of CIS majors is immeasurably expanding. In the event that we see an impressive ascent inComputer Information Systems majors the division should grow its employees. The CIS teachers will utilize the server to dispense their schedules, disseminate specificassignments and send email to their understudies. The format, structure and intricacy of each classwill decide how much the educator might be utilizing the server. The top of the line a CIS major for the most part takes at Western is CIS 251. The executives InformationSystems (CIS 251). This class offers understudies a reason for the board data frameworks inbusiness associations. In putting the COB server to utilize and preparing the understudy forhands-on information on PC based data frameworks, CIS 251 spotlights on analysis,development, structure, usage, and assessment. Different assignments that are canvassed in this classare PC applications ins spreadsheets, word processors, and database frameworks. Data frameworks influence both representatives and individuals who live in the public arena. The primary programming class CIS majors take is CIS 256. This CIS course will be verybeneficial for the server. Business Computer Programming (CIS 256) presen ts the understudy toan use of programming standard in business. Definite assignments include flowcharting,coding, documentation, and testing. This course gives the understudy a foundation ofcomputer engineering and information portrayal. This class record will require the BASICprogramming language that will be utilized just as the compiler. The CIS elective, CIS 301, underscores most extreme hands-on experience withmicrocomputers and programming bundles, including word handling, spreadsheets, databasemanagers, and realistic frameworks. Microcomputer Applications (CIS 301), is a significant coursefor understudies not studying Computer Information Systems, however might want to familiarizethemselves with the PC. This record will contain Microsoft Office and e-mailAn significant class that gets valuable for the server is the CIS 358 course. The professorcan send applications, reports, programs and other information to the server where the understudy cantransfer to a plate or their VAX account. Applications Development II (CIS 358) is an investigation ofthe condition of workmanship instruments and procedures for creating complex business applications; dataorganization, on-line preparing, programming designing, and programming upkeep. This CIS classis an augmentation to CIS 258. The understudy will grow his/her insight into the COBOLprogramming language. All together for the CIS major to apply rule of good application designand taking care of issues, the Visual Basic programming language will likewise be presented. Theaccount for these two classes will contain the COBOL programming language and the compilerFor the understudies to become familiar with customer server innovation, CIS 365 is required to theComputer Information Systems educational plan. The understudy will be associated with learning aboutdifferent sorts of customer server condition, for example, arranging Worldwide Web condition andbuilding a Netware LAN to help conveyance customer server registering. PC Architecture,Communications, and Operating Systems (CIS 365) centers around the design of moderncomputer frameworks including peripherals; information interchanges organizing with shortcoming tolerantcomputing; language progress; working frameworks programming/equipment and utilities. This accountwill have web associations and Netware tasks. In considering Database Management Systems (CIS 453), the CIS understudy will gain proficiency with the roleof databases, database applications, information demonstrating utilizing substance relationship and semantic objectmodels. The essentialness of the COB server for CIS 453 is that the understudy will concentrate onmulti-client database preparing on LANs with the accentuation on customer server frameworks. In thisdatabase class, understudies will likewise be required to structure and actualize a database utilizing thecurrent innovation. This record will require Microsoft Access and Salsa. To acclimate the CIS major with frameworks improv ement, CIS 455 is required by thecurriculum. This class presents the understudy with cost/advantage avocation; programming design;implementation and support methods; quality affirmation; and reconciliation of informationsystems into the executives dynamic procedures. PC Information Systems Analysisand Design (CIS 455) will necessitate that an understudy structure a suitable PC framework for aspecific organization or business. The record for this class will contain Microsoft Office and willThe last class that is required for in the CIS center is CIS 465. In this course, the central pointis to deliberately utilize data frameworks in the business condition. Data ResourceManagement (CIS 465) focuses on obligation and responsibility of data resourcemanagers; security, legitimate, and moral issues; acquirement and management of assets andresource evaluation. This class will have Visual/IFPS Plus just as Internet capabilitites. Neighborhood (LANs) could be thought of as pockets of facilita ted computingwithin a little geographic zone. The system has three layers of segments: Applicationsoftware, arrange programming, and system equipment. Application programming that will be utilized willconsists of PC programs that interface with organize clients and grant the sharing ofinformation, for example, documents, illustrations, and video, and assets, for example, printers and circles. Thetype of use programming that will be utilized is called customer server. Customer PCs sendrequests for data or solicitations to utilize assets to different PCs, called servers, thatcontrol information and applications. The system programming to be utilized will comprises of computerprograms that build up conventions, or rules, for PCs to converse with each other. Theseprotocols are completed by sending and accepting arranged directions of information called bundles. Conventions make coherent associations between organize applications, d! irect development through the physical system, and lim it the chance of impacts betweenpackets sent simultaneously. System equipment is comprised of the physical segments thatconnect PCs. Two significant parts that will convey the computer’s signs will bewires or fiber-optic links, and the system connector, which will get to the physical media thatlinks the PCs, gets bundles from the system programming, and transmits guidelines andrequests to different PCs. Transmitted data is as parallel digits, or bits whichthe electronic hardware can process. The new neighborhood (LAN) that we are proposing to configuration might be a one volumeserver. The registry structure for this server will go as follows: There will be a framework directorywhere the line holds and administrations the print occupations preceding being printed. A login will beestablished to enact and open a meeting to the Network Operating System for a client. TheDOS applications accessible to the open will be Word Perfect, Excel, Power Point, and Lotus1-2-3. A mail index w ill be made for clients to have the option to send email and furthermore recover it. The clients of this catalog structure will be engaged around the workforce which will be Heinrichs,Perry, Banerjee, Clapper, and Carland. The workforce will reserve the privileges to the classes that aretaught here at Western Carolina University. These classes will likewise be utilized by the understudies of theComputer Information Systems program. The applications that will be utilized by the understudies andBOL, Visual Basic, Database applications, Basic, and Visual/IFPS Plus. In these courses facultycan allot projects or assignments to the understudies and they should simply go to theappropriate class that they are in and get the schoolwork that is accomplish for that specific class. The medium used to transmit data will constrain the speed of the system, the successful distancebetween PC, and the system topology. The coaxial link will give transmissionspeeds of two or three thousand bits for eve ry second for significant distances and around one-hundred million bitsper second (Mbps) for shorter separations. The kind of topology that will be utilized to mastermind PCs in this system will be the bustopology. The transport topology is made out of a singl

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A child & mom Essay

A youngster enters your homeroom crying and shouting not needing mother to leave. He has quite recently been told, toward the beginning of today, his daddy is leaving his mother and two siblings to live with another lady. What might you do? Why? To address this worry, what I can do is to move toward the youngster with a grinning confront and ask him an inquiry in a delicate voice about the reason for his crying. In light of the perusing, it is important to speak with a youngster which advances an enthusiasm about his present circumstance (Maine Cooperative Extension, 2008). I can begin with a basic â€Å"Hello† and ask him â€Å"May I please help you? † If the kid will react in a positive manner, I can legitimately ask him for what reason he is feeling awful despite the fact that I know the circumstance. I can come out of the study hall and go with him to his mom outside so the three of us can have a discussion and to let the kid see that I am intrigued to suit him by having a scripted talk with his parent. One excellent methodology is to tell the kid before his mom that all the children inside the study hall are really sitting tight for him to turn into their new companion. Having a discussion with him before his parent can support his certainty with me since he will recognize my quality with his mom that I am an individual whom his she can trust upon his government assistance. The part of saying to him that the entire class is holding up can tempt the kid that there are others inspired by him separated from his folks. Likewise, I could tell the youngster that every one of the understudies in the class additionally needed to cry boisterous during their first days in school yet when they had the option to meet their new companions, they needed to advise their mothers to leave since they realize that guardians can't be engaged with child’s play since they are too huge which is something interesting. This methodology can enable the youngster to understand that he isn't in reality alone and that crying is a typical encounter during the main day in school. Also, the comedic part of â€Å"parents playing with the class† can give a deviation that it is really interesting and won't force a disgrace impact with respect to the kid. At the point when he quiets down and after I have picked up his trust, I will welcome him inside the study hall and offer him a seat. I won't open up the issue about his family worries since this may simply confound his sentiments towards associating with others. It is a lot of proper to have him overlook his inner family issues in any event inside class with the goal that he can be progressively beneficial in learning. Situation # 2 Your understudies keep getting up from their work areas during diary composing time to hone their pencils. As they stroll between the tables, they are continually upsetting different youngsters who are working discreetly on their diaries. The understudies that finish initially are additionally talking and chuckling. The rest of the understudies are experiencing difficulty focusing on completing their task. What would it be a good idea for you to do? Why? As a matter of first importance, it is successful to force a specialized goals in an amusing method of showing them the proper conduct in doing their own undertakings. Since it is too humiliating to even consider pinpointing a solitary kid who disturbs others when composing diaries, I would first be able to get the consideration of the entire class and disclose to them that I have an amusing story to tell. This will include a make-up situation on what problematic strolling can prompt to others. I will attempt to recount to the narrative of an anecdotal past understudy of mine while showing them how it is dangerous to upset others while strolling. I could make a scene where I will get a volunteer who will compose on a table and afterward I will overstate my walk knocking my hips to the child’s table while making amusing appearances. Obviously, I will plan to exaggerate the demonstration with the goal that it will be exceptionally evident for them to see that the youngster volunteer will have tough time composing on his paper because of my activities. This interesting situation will prompt giggling everywhere throughout the homeroom yet will likewise let them understand that strolling in a tidy manner between the tables is basic so different understudies won't be upset. With respect to the loud kids who finish first, I could set up a straightforward guide that will isolate them from the individuals who are as yet dealing with their diaries. I could assign a little space at the rear of the room total with tables and seats for a couple of understudies. At that point I will reveal to them that it is some of the time generally excellent to have non-verbal correspondence and it is additionally energizing to trade considerations by sending little notes regardless of whether the individual you are conversing with is directly close to you. I could hand them little scratch papers in which they can compose what they need to state to one another with the goal that they won't have to talk verbally. The method can bring them fervor since they should compose first on a bit of paper before they can send their messages to someone else. This won't just limit clamor inside the class however will likewise improve their composition and understanding aptitudes. In general, different understudies who are as yet chipping away at their diaries will have the option to complete their work with no interruptions. References Principle Cooperative Extension. 2008. Winning Ways to Talk with Young Children. College of Maine. Recovered February 6, 2008 from http://www. umext. maine. edu/onlinepubs/htmpubs/4077. htm.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Attention local high school students interested science and engineering!

Attention local high school students interested science and engineering! WIth CPW 2012 just a few days away, the whole school is getting ready to invite new friends from all over the world onto our campus. But in just under a month, there will also be an opportunity for high school students to explore the Institute through an engineering competition organized by MIT undergrads. Heres the official low-down! The MIT Society of Women Engineers would like to invite local high school students to participate in the exciting annual engineering competition, BeaverDash. BeaverDash is an event specifically designed for high school students and is held each year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). No previous engineering experience is required, and male and female students of all science and math levels are encouraged to participate. This year the date is set for Saturday, May 5, 2012 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. The topic of the competition will remain a mystery until the morning of the competition. When students arrive on the day of the competition, they will be assigned to small groups and matched with an MIT undergraduate student mentor. During the competition, students will learn about practical engineering techniques and will be encouraged to practice their creative thinking skills. The students will engineer and design their contraption within the constraints of the competition to compete later in the day for great prizes. Free t-shirts and lunch will be provided! For students interested in science and engineering, Beaverdash is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience and interact with MIT student mentors. Students can fill out the registration form at http://swe.mit.edu/highschool/beaverdash.php Please sign up by Saturday, 4/28. If you have any questions or concerns please email Jennifer Li at [emailprotected] Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the competition!   Get on it if youre close enough to MIT! :)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Zumb A Latin American Exercise - 1246 Words

How was Zumba? Zumba is a Latin American exercise that was created in the mid-90s by a Colombian fitness instructor named Alberto Beto Perez. The fabrication of Zumba was accidental. It was stated that Perez arrived to teach his fitness class one day, and forgot his traditional aerobics music. So he used his Latin music that was available at the time and substituted it for that class (Murphy 2015). This improvised class was a hit to his students. Now Zumba is taught in gyms and studios all over the world. Not only is Zumba upbeat with Latin American music, but it also provides many health benefits. It is said that a 150-pound person can burn 400 to 600 calories per hour-long class if he or she keeps up with the pace (Weil 2012). In addition to the calorie-burning and aerobic workout, dance in general can improve balance and coordination, and calls upon a person to use different muscles at varying speeds. Zumba can also help improve a person’s mental health since Zumba requires a person to l earn and memorize the steps, twirls, and kicks of a dance routine (Weil 2012). Zumba is a preferred alternative, especially for people who do not have confidence to go run on the treadmill, or lift weights for two plus hours. With all the excitement around Zumba, I decided to try Zumba and see if I would receive a successful workout. Prior to attending Zumba I did not know what to expect. I wasn’t sure what type of shoes to wear, or if I was supposed to stretch before attending

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Inequality Among Minority Groups - 1766 Words

A minority group is defined as â€Å"a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their lives than members of a dominant or majority group†(1). Most minority groups are defined by common characteristics such as distinguishing skin colors, language, and are commonly tight-knit and have high amounts of marriages within the group. Members of these groups fall victim to colonialism, the maintenance of power for the long term from one territory by another. Victims of these inequalities are often presented with less opportunities because of their false labels and unfair stereotypes. All of the minority groups are affected by the inequalities in different way socially, politically, and even in the media. In general,†¦show more content†¦This personal level of discomfort is defined as Interpersonal Discrimination and 80% of residents in the United States say that they have experienced it at some point. (4)These efforts may not have complete ly changed overnight, but everything is headed in a better direction than the previous treatment women have endured. So, if things are changing, why are women still considered a minority? This idea seems so traditional, It is so easy to believe that everyone is over their cruel stereotyping toward women and limited rights but it is hard to deny when presented the facts. Segregation and racism treated people of a different color in terrible ways, finding ways to target them in every aspect of life. Limited opportunities in the workforce, biased opinions, and poverty seems to follow them wherever they go. In 1963, the African Americans assembled in Washington D.C. to gain supporters for equality, ultimately receiving the right to vote in 1967.(1) This particular demonstration slightly resembles all of the protests of women’s voting rights. There are many other examples that racist acts and gender discrimination share, proving the theory that women’s inequalities define them as â€Å"lesser†. During the civil rights movements, the issue was not believing that all colored people were terrible human beings, it wasShow MoreRelatedRace And Ethnicity Searches For Equality1232 Words   |  5 Pagesethnic groups though we find that inequality is still a common issue. Racial and ethnic groups are expanding and outnumbering the dominant force, however, minority groups still have no rule against the dominant force. A minority is a subordinate group whose members have remarkably less control or power over the dominant force.(pg.4) Groups are ranked by pinpointing unique features of an individual in order to define them within a specific bracket. For example, a minority or subordinate group has fiveRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article The Model Minority Losing Patience 1278 Words   |  6 Pagesracial prejudice in America. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis of music in the film Grease Free Essays

I think the effectiveness of a musical film In comparison to a film score in a non- musical largely depends on the target audience of the film, genre of film, and plot of the film. In musical films Like Grease, Chicago, Less Miserable, West Side Story, and Mama Ml, the musical and choreographed aspects of film work with the plot In an effective manner. I feel Like [romantic] comedies (egg. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of music in the film Grease or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mama Ml and Grease) and dramas (egg. Less Miserable and Chicago) are the two genres that are best made in to musical films. Musicals are able to break down language barriers, telling the plot of he film through song which evokes plenty of emotion that is universally understood. West Side Story is a perfect example of a musical where choreography and music helps the audience to understand the story even though they might not understand every word of the lyrics. Musicals are able to effectively tell a story if the plot is more simplistic. Contrary to [romantic] comedies and dramas, turning an action or science fiction film into a musical would be simply ridiculous. If we were to imagine an action film like The Dark Knight or Star Wars as a musical, I don’t think these films would eve been nearly as successful as they have been today. One reason for this Is the target audience for films Like Star Wars and The Dark Knight have the potential to be vastly different from the type of people who enjoy watching musicals like Dream Girls and Rent. The plot for The Dark Knight and Star Wars largely benefit from the music being comprised of a film score that is not classified as a musical. It would also be difficult to convert these genres into a musical because the plots are often too complex to understand if everything is sung. The scores in non-musicals serves to implement the plot, not to tell the plot which can often be taken more seriously by the viewers. â€Å"Summer Nights† (0:14:04) Is the first song In the film, Grease, that gives us an introductory look Into what the characters are going to be like. Sandy Is seen as very Innocent and sweet from the way she recounts her and Dandy’s summer romance from an emotional perspective- â€Å"he got friendly holding my hand†. Dandy’s telling of his summer romance is a little more crude and revealing about the physical aspects of the romance -â€Å"she got friendly down in the sand†. The song establishes Danny as he cool leader of the greaser clan known as the â€Å"T-birds† and Sandy as the new girl who the schoolgirl clique, â€Å"The Pink Ladies†, have their eye on to recruit. This song also introduces the other eight main characters (the rest of the T-birds and The Pink Ladies), allowing each of them to ask questions that reveal their characters. The next song that helped to further develop some of the characters is â€Å"Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee† (0:27:30) which is a comedic song performed by Orzo and The Pink Ladies. A taunting, underlying tone In the music is heard right away. Razz’s tough and arctic tone Is established through her lyrics In this song as she is mocking the Innocence of Sandy. When the characters are mocking Sandy inability to Inhale properly while smoking, we hear a clapper Instrument to compliment them coughing. The rest of The Pink Ladies: French, Marty, and Jan, seem to follow their leader, immature and highly compliant to what Orzo wants them to do or think. â€Å"Hopelessly Devoted To You† (0:32:00) is a ballad performed by Sandy which has a slower tempo than the other songs we have previously heard in the film. The song starts off by sing heavy strings to create an emotional feel then later we hear the piano. This is a character song which enables Sandy to express her romantic feelings for Danny, and reflect on their relationship. The chorus, â€Å"hopelessly devoted to you† is how Sandy feels towards Danny and these feelings are emphasized by the repetition through the song. â€Å"Greased Lightning† (0:37:20) is performed by Danny and the T-birds and serves to establish the major cultural influences of the sass’s: cars and rock and roll. We hear 3 stingers using ascending notes played on brass at the beginning of the Eng to compliment Dandy’s ideas of what the car could be (automatic, systematic, hydromantic). There is also a lot of call and response between the protagonist, Danny, singing the main course and the T-birds backing him up by providing musical responses to his lines. This song uses heavy percussion, piano, bass, and brass instruments to create a genuine rock and roll feel. The tempo stays consistent throughout the song except when it slows down at the ending chorus. The ending chorus is also where we hear drums and vocals being harmonize. â€Å"Sandy† (01:19:10) reformed by Danny is Dandy’s counter song to â€Å"Sandy’s Hopelessly Devoted To You†. This is also a ballad as it expresses the deep emotions Danny has for Sandy and shows how vulnerable he is without her. We see a different side of Danny here because he is not acting tough or cool; he is being raw and real. This song uses empathetic sound as we can hear Danny on the verge of crying at some points in the song which causes the viewer to empathetic with the sadness he feels. â€Å"Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee (Reprise)† (01 :31 :38) is a turning point for Sandy’s character. The song tarts out as wholesome and pure, like she is, accompanied by the piano in a high key with a light tone (we hear consonance). Then the lyrics get more powerful along with the intensity of the music (crescendo and lower key on the piano) as she decides to say goodbye to her innocence. â€Å"You’re the One That I Want† (01:36:47) performed by Danny, Sandy, Pink Ladies, and T-Birds shows how the characters have succumbed to their feelings. Danny has become the man that Sandy wanted him to be all along and vice versa. We hear a riff on the piano to introduce the new, sophisticated Sandy. The causal harmony between Danny and Sandy is symbolic of the new found harmony in their relationship and the all black costumes they are wearing is symbolic of both their maturity. This is an example of a rhythm song because it is driven by energetic rhythm patterns. Personally, this is my favorite song of the film because I feel it has the catchiest underlying beat and I felt that the choreography and props were used really effectively to capture the viewers attention. We Go Together† is a production number which involves the full cast and expresses the major changes in the plot room the opening to closing act. This cheerful tune is expressive of the happiness found by the entire cast and all the main characters are happily coupled off. Grease does include a lot of dancing which I found to be quite effective. It is more visually appealing and helps with the flow of telling the story through song. If at som e points in the film the characters were Just standing there rather than moving around and dancing, the audience is more likely to be disengaged. Dancing also provides the catchier. Dance is also an important part of detecting a characters emotion through odd language; in the song Mimi Are The One That I Want†, Sandy is seen to have a new gained confidence and attitude which reflective not only in her lyrics, but in her dancing as well. I find it effective that performers in musical films treat their song and dance numbers as if there is a live audience watching. It helps to engage the audience more because they feel as though they are more closely connected to the performers. It also helps the performers find the emotional energy to perform different songs and dance if they have an audience’s energy to thrive off of. How to cite Analysis of music in the film Grease, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Valuing Heritage Assets in Accounting Free-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Discuss about the recent Change in Accounting Directives for Heritage Assets. 2.Discuss the argument of Ellwood and Greenwood(2016). Answers: 1.Unique Attributes of Heritage Assets: Heritage assets including monuments, art collections, museum collections, national park, forts, etc has been defined by Treasury department of New South Wales as the assets other than current assets that the Government or any public sector undertaking wants to preserve for indefinite period because of their unique historical, cultural and environmental characteristics. The main unique feature of the heritage assets is that: These assets cannot be replaced and These will be preserved and kept intact for the indefinite period These assets does not possess any market value These assets provide social benefits rather than economic benefits and (Henderson and Peirson G, 2015). The United Kingdom Accounting Standard Board has laid down the definition of the asset as any right or access to the economic benefits, which will be generated in future, being controlled and directed by the entity as a result of any event related to the past period (ASB, 2014). As per the given pictures following will treated as heritage asset: Starry Night This is heritage asset as it is the collection of art and will generate future economic benefits for the future periods through tourist attractions and hence fit for the definition of an asset. The Rosetta Stone This stone has the cultural and historic value because it has been deposited in British Museum in the year of 1802 in the London and hence is the heritage asset will generate future economic benefits for the future periods through tourist attractions and hence fit for the definition of an asset. (Sayce,2010). Sydney Harbor Bridge This Bridge though owned by the private entity but is treated as the heritage asset on the account that it has the environmental value and provide economic benefits. Blue Mountains National Park All the national parks are included in the definition of heritage assets and having the economic benefits through tourist attraction, it shall be treated as heritage asset. 2.Argument of Ellwood and Greenwood (2016) Both Ellwood and Greenwood have argued that with the measurement of the economic value of the heritage assets, their cultural value will gets affected. Economic value is totally different from the cultural value. The two organizations National Portrait Gallery and Tower Hamlets London Borough Council have distinguished then economic value and cultural value. The first organization says that all the collections from the art is for the nation only and also the collection so received can never exceed the cultural value that the art has gained since its inception. It is because the art may have zero value but have high cultural value being the only art painted by that only person. Like that of Mona Lisa in Paris, France. The second organization has said that some paintings have economic value of below Pound 50,000 but some paintings though have no monetary value like that of lying under the river boats of Thames, but have much higher significance in terms of the cultural value and thats the reason the same has been included in the financial statements of the company (Sayce, 2010). But it is very much clear that the economic value creation will not in any way affect the cultural value but if the cultural value is created then its economic value will automatically gets increased. References ASB, (2014), Heritage Assets : Can Accounting Do better available at https://frc.org.uk/Our-Work/Publications/ASB/Heritage-Assets-can-accounting-do-better.pdf accessed on 03-05-2017. Henderson S and Peirson G, (2015), Issues in Financial Accounting, available at https://books.google.co.in/books?id=wzXiBAAAQBAJpg=PA833lpg=PA833dq=unique+attributes+of+heritage+assetssource=blots=_Qf6r6qoABsig=NK41pttEf1btTf_AsEeLTZFVdwAhl=ensa=Xved=0ahUKEwjnjLqbi9PTAhVKuY8KHQ0PAzwQ6AEITjAG#v=onepageq=unique%20attributes%20of%20heritage%20assetsf=false accessed on 03-05-2017 Sayce S, (2010), Valuing Heritage Assets, available at https://eprints.kingston.ac.uk/15845/1/Sayce-S-15845.pdf accessed on 03-05-2017

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sympathetic Hemingway Essays - Ernest Hemingway,

Sympathetic Hemingway The most striking feature of the short story "Hills Like White Elephants" is the manner in which it is told. It is not typical in the classical sense with an introduction, a development of the story and an end. Instead, we get some time in the life of two people, as if it were just a piece of a film where we have a lot to deduce. This tale does not get everything done for the reader; we only see the surface of what is going on. It leaves an open end because readers can have their own ending and take part in the action when reading. The story told here is that of a woman and a man on their trip to a place where she can have an abortion. Everything in the tale is related to the idea of fertility and barrenness. This main topic can be seen from the title "Hills Like White Elephants," where Hills refer to the shape of the belly of a pregnant woman. White Elephants is an idiom that refers to useless or unwanted things, meaning the fetus they plan on disposing of. Hemingway produces an eff ect of sympathy for the girl through the setting that symbolizes their decision process. The time passing symbolizes the pressure the two people are under, and through their poor communication indicates that this relationship does not and will not work. The first impression the reader gets when reading the text is that the story is set in the middle of a dry, barren place under the sun, with no shade or trees. This reinforces the idea of lack of life, but, in contrast, they are in the warm shadow of the building where life is. This emphasizes the contrast between the pregnancy of the woman, as being fertile and everything around them, including him, in this idea of fertility as he is also apart from the barrenness and sharing the shadow. The "brown and dry" setting sets the tone for the conversation between the couple (Hemingway 281). It allows the reader to understand the feelings of entrapment held by the couple and especially the young girl. The couple is also separated from the rest of the people that are inside the bar by a bamboo beaded curtain. This gives the idea of privacy reinforced by the idea of the warm shadow of the building that protects them from the world that exists inside the bar, they are outside, with nature. Th ere is tension in the air at some moments, but they cannot express it openly. Perhaps they don't want to be heard in case somebody can understand them, or maybe, it is just a problem of communication and of sharing feelings. It could also be a combination of both. No woman should be subjected to making this type of important decision in such a harsh environment. Another thing the reader must take into account is the fact that the train is stopping only for two minutes, a very brief time. This couple is being pressured into making a very important decision in only a short amount of time. According to the narrator, "the express from Barcelona would come in forty minutes," leaving the couple with no time to really go into discussing the important details of their relationship and the decision they are making (Hemingway 282). As the story comes to an end, the woman server informed the couple, "The train comes in five minutes," and a sense of urgency is brought to the conversation (Hemingway 284). This becomes evident by the manner in which the couple is concluding their conversation. The girl does not want to speak about the subject anymore, but the couple has not finished talking things all the way through. In the end she just wants to get this operation over and done with. Ernest Hemingway chose to use the couple's dialogue as the best way to express sympathy for the young girl to the reader. This dialogue is presented as being very natural, but was carefully written, because through it, the reader can deduce the kind of relationship they have. The language here is a very simple one, even informal; this easy language usually expresses

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Benefits Better than a Salary Bump

5 Benefits Better than a Salary Bump Negotiating your compensation for a new position? Salary might not be the most important factor in your wheelings and dealings, particularly if you’re leaving a position or company with a solid benefit package. Consider the following five benefits that can often be worth more than a few thousand dollars difference in pay, and learn which questions are most worth asking. 1. 401k MatchingThe pension is all but a dinosaur in today’s workforce. The 401k matching program is a popular consolation from companies wishing to contribute to their employees’ retirement. Weigh the matching figures and do the math against your past and future salaries. The difference between a 50% and 100% matching program can make an enormous difference over the course of your career, even if your contribution is small.2. Cadillac InsuranceMedical costs are through the roof, and insurance companies are paying for less and less. Will your new employer contribute to a Health Savings Account? Do they offer disability coverage? Or extra maternity leave? A lower premium? Anticipating your out-of-pocket health costs can come in handy and save hundreds of dollars in health care if you factor them into salary negotiations.3. Wellness ProgramsDoes your new company offer to subsidize a gym membership? Financial incentives for flu shots or achieving fitness goals? A smoking cessation program? Or even a nutritional consultant? These are all added perks that you might have otherwise spent a good portion of your salary acquiring for yourself.4. Continuing Education PerksYour hard work and perseverance got you here. But what’s next? You want to keep growing and reaching for the next rung on the ladder. Why not get your employer to foot the bill? Does your new company offer undergraduate or graduate educational assistance? Additional training programs? Access to extra resources? These are the kinds of benefits that, when taken advantage of, can really vault you to the next level - and the next salary grade.5. Commuter AidWe spend a lot of time and money getting to work, between public transportation, gas, mileage, and maintenance. Factor the convenience level of your new commute into your view of your compensation. Does your new employer offer a pre-tax public-transit pass? Or is your commute just plain shorter? Less of a hassle? Sometimes you can’t put a price tag on quality of life.To factor these perks into your negotiations, do your homework. Find out what benefits are standard within your industry, know what to ask for, and be bold enough to put it on the table. It could make the difference when the salary bump is not enough.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Assignment on Anthropology Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On Anthropology - Assignment Example When doing a research, these differences in culture can enable an anthropologist to determine the origin of certain beliefs, customs and values associated with some communities. In a daily life scenario, tourists travel from different parts in the world to experience different types of cultures different from theirs (Gezon, 2011). 3. What is emic Emic has been defined as the understanding of a certain culture from within that particular culture. In anthropological research, a researcher may decide to stay with the people he wants to know about to deeply understand culture from their perspective. In the daily occurrences anthropologists go to the extent of learning people’s language in order to learn more about their culture. For example, anthropologists interested in the Zulu culture may travel to South Africa and spend several months with the Zulu people. During this time, he can learn the Zulu language which enables him to learn their culture more from within. 4. Enculturati on Enculturation is defined as learning the basics of an established culture in order to establish what is acceptable and what is wrong in reference to that particular culture. This learning can be through gestures, words, speech and action. Enculturation is important in anthropological research as it enables anthropologists to be sensitive to people’s cultures when carrying out a research. Knowing what is required of them buy a particular community during research work prevents conflicts.Enculturalization is applicable in our day to life interactions. We meet people from different cultures when in line of duty. It makes us hold cultures that are not ours in high regard and not to demean other cultures (Brokerman, 2011). 5. Qualitative and quantitative research Qualitative research has been defined as the aspect of information gathering or data through behavior observations, emotional displays and non verbal communications. These are things that cannot be quantified or number ed. Contrarily, quantitative research involves investigations through systematic scientific research of quantities that can be measured. It comes up with scientific verifiable theories. In application to research, what a researcher investigates determines the method he adopts. He uses qualitative in immeasurable activities and quantitative method in investing things that can be quantified. For example in daily occurances, people might display varying levels of emotions when their culture is demeaned. Qualitative research may be used to establish their emotional reactions. On the other hand quantitative method may be used to establish the remnants of an almost extinct culture, for example the hunting and gathering San group of Southern Africa. Part B 1. Describe the importance of sustainability in today’s global economy Sustainability may be defined from different perspectives depending on the subject that is being talked about. The general definition may be the continuity of a behavior which is defined indefinitely.However; economic sustainability may be defined as supporting indefininitely economic production. This means that sustainability is long term (Parasecoli, 2008). 2. How has the concept of sustainability influenced the triple bottom line of fish farming Sustainability is not only important in today’s global economy but also essential for a number of reasons. Sustainability has led to noble innovation that has led to

Monday, February 3, 2020

Information system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information system - Assignment Example Information has to be interpreted in order to ensure that users can understand the information this mainly through tables, graphs, text and charts. Operating support system becomes necessary in order to ensure information in the database is secure and effective. The operation support system undertakes the monitoring, controlling, analyzing, and management of a computer network. This system is more beneficial as it allows the low-level managers within the bank to monitor the day-to-day running of the operations (Stickney et. al., 2009). As the managers can access vital operational information, it enables them to make sufficient decisions, as the trend of basic operations of the banking clients is easily accessible. Operation support system is gaining advantage today because of its ability to process both financial and non-financial transactions, especially in a banking institution daily. There are various functional areas within the banking institution. These areas enhance effective and efficient transactions, which lead to profitability, especially in the launch of new products. The sales department uses the information to ascertain the products and services that customers are interested in and therefore, develop and administer an effective selling program. Purchasing department uses information in acquisition of goods and services that meet the standards set in the organization in order to meet the expected goals. Manufacturing department uses the information for production scheduling, quality and inventory control and maintenance of products. Marketing department accesses the information in order to ascertain the companys market through carrying out a market survey in, which it produces relevant information based on selling and distribution of products to customers. Finance department uses the information in ascertaining the transactions

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Reproduction In Wolves Health And Social Care Essay

The Reproduction In Wolves Health And Social Care Essay This paper is an essay about reproduction in wolves. It is divided in to three major parts. The first part deals with the thing of the topic which is the wolf. Here the various aspects of the wolves are discussed these are the species, social life, hunting, communication and lifecycle. The second part deals with the main idea of the topic which is reproduction in animals. In this part the reproduction in animals is discussed. The aspects of reproduction that are explained include; the male and female reproductive systems, mating, gestation period where fertilization is explained, parturition and birth are tackled. In the third part the thing and the idea of the topic are combined to answer the questions and hypothesis relating to reproduction in wolves. Here the various aspects relating to the reproduction of wolves are discussed. The parts examined are the male and female wolf reproductive system, mating and the gestation period of a female wolf in terms of fertilization, parturitio n and birth. Introduction According to Whitt (2003) When the dog settled and embraced the community of human beings, its relatives continued to roam in the wild and they have become the most successful canid on the surface of the earth. According to Aamodt and Johnson (1987), the wolf is a wild dog and belongs to the group of animals that have the dog like traits. Scientists believe that they are direct ancestors of the present domestic dog. Even today the dogs and wolves have a lot in common. The average male wolf weighs between seventy and one hundred pound and measures from the nose to the tail, five to six point five feet (Aamodt Johnson, 1987). The two also note that the female ones are smaller and weigh fifty five to ninety pounds and are between four point five and six feet in length (Aamodt Johnson, 1987). Wolves have different colors with the majority having gray color shading but have the same body structure. Wolves like other canids have forty two teeth with twenty and twenty in the upper and lower jaw respectively. When they are moving or running, just like other canids, the wolves keep the back of their feet raised from the ground and this mode of movement is called digitigrades. Wolves are part of the canidae family which has over thirty five species including the foxes, coyotes, dingoes, jackals, dogs and the dholes. According to Mobile reference (2008), canids have long legs which are adapted for chasing their prey. All canids are digitigrades which means that they walk on four toes and their feet raised from the ground. They also have non-rectatile claws, bushy tails and dewclaws on their front feet. The canids also have a penis bone which is used for creating a copulatory tie during mating. The canids give birth to blind young one who opens their eyes after some weeks of being born. Most species in this family live and hunt as a group called pack. The wolves are classified in the canis genus since they are more doglike. According to Reiach et al (2002) there are three main types of species of wolves that is gray species which is the canis lupus, red species which is the canis rufus and the Ethiopian species which is referred to as the canis simensis wolv es. Wolf Anatomy and Taxonomy According to Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2010) all animals are classified by the scientists in to taxonomic groups based on the anatomical, genetic and biochemical similarities and differences. Wolves like other animals fuel their body by feeding food from other organisms they have a dorsal chord called the notochord that runs their bodies. Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2010) also states that on the external taxonomy, the wolves are quadrupeds with a narrow body, bushy tail and deep chest. The wolves according to Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2010) have shaggy fur, large ears, and have a big head with a slender pointed snout. The same Corporation opines that the nervous system of the wolves is characterized by high intelligence, high vision and hearing capabilities and acute smelling sense. The wolves are lithe and athletic animals. They are also muscular around the neck, hips and shoulders. On their respiratory and circulatory system, the wolves are warm blooded with a typic al mammalian circulation. They have large lungs and the larynx and vocal chords can produce a range of vocalizations. The wolves are committed carnivores with teeth that are suited for slicing the meat. They have a short and simple intestine and have a pair of kidneys used to remove metabolic waste through the blood. According to Whitt (2003) the taxonomy of the wolf is as follows. It belongs to kingdom animalia which includes animals with multicellular organs that do not have the cell wall and cannot make their food, it belongs to phylum chordata which include the animals that do have backbones or internal support and fall under the class of mammalian which includes the animals with fur and can produce milk. The wolf order is carnivora which include animals that subsists chiefly on meat and is fall under canidae family which is a group of animals with dog like traits. It is of the genus canis. There are three species of the wolf namely lupus which is the grey wolf, rufus which is the red wolf, and simensi which is the Ethiopian wolf. According Whitt (2003) more than twenty four species have been identified but have in the recent times been reclassified into five sub-species, that is, the arctas which in this case is the name for arctic wolf, lycaon which is the eastern gray wolf, baileyi which i s the Mexican wolf, nubilus which is the great plains wolf and finally occidentalis, which refers to the rocky mountain wolf. The sub-species can be distinguished from one another by use of size, fur color and the shape of the skull. Figure 1: Wolf Taxonomy Kingdom animalia Multicellular organisms that do not have cell walls and cannot make their own food Phylum Chordate Animals that have backbone and internal support. Class Mammalian Chordates that have fur and produce milk Orde Carnivora Mammals that subsist chiefly on meat Family Canidae Carnivores that have dog like traits Genus Canis wolves Species Lupus Gray wolf, subspecies lycaon Eastgern gray wolf Source: Whitt (2003). Species Gray Wolf According to (Whitt, 2003), the gray wolves are the largest in canid family and the male can grow as much as six and half feet (two meters) and stand from twenty six to thirty inches high from the ground . The average weight for males ranges from seventy to one hundred and ten pounds with the weighing fifty to eighty pounds and reaching lengths of six feet. The gray wolf I s also referred to as tundra, timber or silver wolf (Whitt, 2003). According to Harrington (2002), of the three wolf species, gray wolves are the most common and are found around the northern hemisphere the other two are very rare. According to Harrington (2002), Gray wolves have adapted to different kinds of habitats. Have gray fur and are the largest members of the canid family. Adult wolves weigh from eighty to one twenty kilograms. Ethiopian Wolf According to Animal Info (2005) Ethiopian wolves are diurnal. The wolves kill their prey and the kill is cached and retrieved later. They are both pre-eminent and cooperative hunters. Fuller (2004) observes the Ethiopian found is found in the in the Arabian peninsula, in northern Africa and in Ethiopian mountains. They live in pack of about two to twelve paired and related individuals. They prey on small and medium sized animals. They weigh about thirteen to eighteen kilograms. Harrington (2002) observes that the Ethiopian wolves are different from the gray and the red wolves. They are much smaller compared to the red and the gray wolves. They are only wolves that live in Africa. The scientist believed that the Ethiopian wolves were jackals. This is because they are they are smaller than the gray wolves, they are not stocky like the gray wolves instead they have long muzzles, long legs and slender noses just like the jackals and finally they eat small rodent which jackals love to eat . Red Wolf The red wolves are found in North America, weigh between twenty and forty kilograms and live in pairs of between three and ten (Fuller, 2004). Red wolves are similar to gray wolves. Just like the gray wolves the red wolves live in packs and hunt the prey animal. They also care for their puppies and howl to protect their territory. However they are different from gray wolves in that they have more reddish fur and are smaller than gray wolves. Adults weigh only forty to ninety pounds. Types Wolf Behavior Wolf Communication Behavior According to Wolf Haven International (2007) wolves use three types of communication namely the postural which involves the use of body language, vocal and olfactory which refers to use of smell. Olfactory communication involves scent marking which is mostly to mark boundaries, claim and defend the territories. Since they have scent gland in their toes they leave signature on all areas they go. They mark territories and food by urination. According to Wolf Haven International (2007) vocal communication among the wolves consists of howls, growls, barks and whines. They howl to claim territory or assemble the pack; whines are used by female as a sign of affection, growling is from the dominant wolves and are used to convey aggressiveness. Barking in wolves can be used to communicate excitement, raise alarm and call others to chase. Social Structure Socially wolves are organized in to packs. Aamodt and Johnson (1987), the wolves travel, hunt and perform most of their activities a group. The pack consists of members related by blood. They note that the core of the pack is a mated pair which consists of an adult female and a male. The other members are the offspring. They note that the packs may have six or seven wolves on average though the number may go up to fifteen. Like a family the members play different roles Aamodt and Johnson (1987.all the members of the pack are organized as a hierarchy with the breeding pair (alpha) at the top. At the middle of the hierarchy there are the subordinate called the beta and at the bottom there are wolves called the omega. The parent that is the alpha female and male is the oldest in the pack are involved in defending the territory and hunting due to their experience. They make important decisions like when to migrate or go for hunting. According to Aamodt and Johnson (1987) other pack membe rs down the hierarchy are allocated roles that inferior to those of the members. The young puppies and the juvenile do not have an active role in the hierarchy and are not allocated any permanent positions. In the pack the time for dismissing some adult s from the packs depends on the availability of the prey and the number of wolves in the prey. The dispersed members may end up forming a new pack or may join other existing packs. According to Aamodt and Johnson (1987 the social structure of a wolf can be thought of as hierarchy consisting of the layers outlined below. Figure 2: Wolf Social Structure The alpha male and female Beta male (this is the second ranking male sometimes mates with the alpha female) Young subordinates both male and female(often dominated by the alpha young ones ) Male and female juveniles and pups Male and female scapegoat(lives on the fringes of pack and may be mistreated by other members of the pack) Source: Aamodt and Johnson (1987). Territorial Behavior Reiach et al (2002) states that a wolf pack lives in a territory which must be characterized by enough fresh water and prey to feed the pack members. The territorial borders are marked with scent. They leave urine on scent post or upright marker for example tree stumps. The scents posts are constantly marked. Moves establish large territories in order to ensure that there is large supply of water and preys. The wolves mark their territories through methods such as howling, scent marking and direct attacks. Scent marking is done by ground scratching, defecation, and urination. In defending their territories wolves use scent marking which is done regularly and howling in order to prevent other wolves from entering the territories of other wolves. If these methods fail then the wolves may result into fighting the intruders and this can explain the high death rate of the wolves in the world. According to Defenders of Wildlife (2011), Wolves move, live and in packs consisting of four to seven animals. The pack consists of the mother, the father and the young one plus subordinate. The mother and father are referred to as the alphas lead the pack, track the prey, choose dens and mark the territory to be occupied by the pack. Feeding According to Boitani (2003) the wolves after killing their prey, they start by feeding the parts that have the most essential nutrients. The alpha female and male who is dominant feed first. So the feeding order is determined by the roles played by the wolves in the pack Boitani (2003). Boitani also notes that the wolves do not feed on meat alone since they require a balanced intake of nutrients. The most important organ to the wolves is the live since it provides them with a variety of vitamins. They also consume the heart and the lungs due to their high palatability just like the liver (Boitani, 2003). They also feed on the bones which provide calcium and phosphorous to their bodies. When food is not enough the priority is given to the puppies. Hunting According to Defenders of Wildlife (2011), wolves eat large hoofed animals such as the deer, elk and the moose and they also feed on animals that have died. On their part, Munoz et al (1994) opine that the wolves cooperate in hunting which enables them to bring down a prey. However wolves do not remain in the packs for long and this makes it difficult for them to know how to hunt as a group. Single wolves have a higher rate of succeeding in hunting than any other when they are working as a group. They find their preys through smell. According to Boitani (2003) when wolves are hunting not all members are involved in the attack of the prey. The alpha wolves lead other wolves in chasing and attacking the prey. The pack may also be split in to smaller hunting groups although cooperative hunting is emphasized among the wolves. Wolves conceal themselves when approaching their prey. They may attack animals as a herd or may isolate an animal from the rest and then start chasing it. They try to catch the animal before it runs for a long distance but for the big animals the wolves chase them for long distances. One wolf may be involved in distracting the herd of the preys while others may attack the animals from behind. They may also use ambush where they chase their prey towards the areas they have set a trap such as areas where they have dug holes. Denning and Sheltering Behavior Wolves dig holes for their puppies and use areas with natural shelters for examples in areas with thick vegetation, cliffs found in river banks and cracks found in rocks. The dens are usually dug by the female wolves. Life Cycle A wolf goes through series of changes. It is born, matures to an adult wolf which can mate or give birth (Reiach et al, 2002). The cycle begins with the birth pup. Pups are born in litters of two to seven wolves. They are fed by mothers milk. When they are a month old they join a pack when they may stay for the rest of their lives or may leave to join other packs Reproduction in Animals According to Net industries (2011), during sexual reproduction in animals a haploid sperm and an egg cell combine forming a diploid zygote which divides mitotically into an embryo. After birth the young one grows into an adult that can reproduce. The animals bring the sperms and the eggs through internal or external ways. In animals sexual reproduction requires the joining of the male and the female egg. When they combine the result is formation of a zygote. Since the animals produce sexually the male and the female are involved. There animals with one reproductive cycle while there are those with more than reproductive cycle. The female undergo reproductive cycles while the male are always in reproductive activity. The female become receptive to male when they are undergoing ovulation. This state where the female is sexual receptive to male is referred to as estrus. Estrous cycle can therefore be used to mean reproductive cycle. In external fertilization aquatic environment is funda mental for the floating of the eggs before they are fertilized. Male Reproductive System in Animals In internal fertilization the male posses a copulatory organ called the penis which is used for transferring to the female the male eggs (sperms). According fails et al (2009) in animals the male copulation organ can be divided into three areas that is the glans or free extremity, body also called the main portion and two crura or the roots. The internal structure consists of erectile tissues called the corpora cavernosa and has the trabecaculae tissues. In fibrelastic penis the major part of the penis consist of the trabeculae tissues hence the penis remains erect even when not erect. In musculocarvenous penis the blood sinusoids dominate the penis. Erection in musculocavernous penis occurs when the blood flows to the penis and leads to increase in size and turgidity of the penis Reece (2009) while in fibroelastic penis such as that of the swine and the ruminants has no great enlargement as result of blood flowing. The male eggs are formed in mature males through process called sper matogenesis. Female Reproductive System in Animals According fails et al (2009) the female eggs are produced by the female reproductive tract. It deposits the eggs to an area where they can be fertilized by the male sperms. This placement provides a good environment for the development of the embryo and expelling the fetus. According fails et al (2009) the reproductive system consists of the vagina, vulva, two ovaries, two oviducts and the uterus. The ovaries are responsible for the production of eggs through ovulation. Through the oviducts the ova from the ovaries is conducted to the uterus. The vagina acts as the birth canal through which the fetus is delivered and acts as the sheath for the male penis during copulation. The vestibule is the area that is between the external genitilia and vagina. This area has a lot of mucous glands (Fails et al, 2009). The vulva is found on the external genitalia and consists of left and right labia which converge at the clitoris which consists of two roots that is the body and the glans. If ferti lization occurs, the uterus provides a place for the development of the fetus Reece (2009). Through ovulation the female animals produce the female gametes. This happens periodically throughout the menstrual cycle. Mating During mating the penis is brought in to an appropriate position with the vulva of the female through a process called mounting (Reece 2009). According to him, successful mounting is preceded by a receptive stance by the female. In addition, he points out that that mounting can be affected if the male has a problem in the hind-limbs. The male animal introduces and maintains the penis in the vagina and this process is referred to as intromission this is enabled by the pelvic thrusts and abdominal muscles (Reece, 2009). The intromission time varies from one animal to the other. The stimulation continues and this leads to emission and ejaculation where the sperm oozes out of the penis into the vagina of the female animal. Sperm and fluids are ejaculated at the opening of the cervix in some animals while in others it occurs directly or partially in to the uterus. Gestation Period Gestation period refers to the period conceived female carries, in the uterus, the embryo. According to Fail et al (2009) the interval extends from the fertilization of the ovum to the birth of the offspring. It includes fertilization early development the embryo in the lumen of the of the female reproductive tract implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall, the development of the fetal membranes and the continued growth of the fetus while in the uterus. Fail et al (2009) states that gestation period vary from species to species. Normal gestation is when the fetus is carried thought out the gestation period. If a premature birth occurs the fetus is born before it is fully developed and this is called abortion. According Fail et al (2009) fertilization in animals occurs in the uterus. During copulation the sperms are deposited in to the females vagina. The condition where a female has a young one developing in the uterus is referred to as pregnancy (Fails et al, 2009). During pregnancy the animal experiences the development of the extra embryonic membrane which is used to feed the fetus and remove waste products. According Fail et al (2009) the placenta consists of chorion which is the outermost membrane, allantois which encloses the sac, and the amnion which is the innermost membrane. Parturition and Birth The end of pregnancy is marked by the parturition and involves giving birth. The act of giving birth is divided into three stages. The first stage involves the contraction of the uterine contracts to force the fetus to the cervix which takes a few hours. Secondly, the actual delivery takes place, from the cervix to the vagina. The third step involves the delivery of the placenta (Fail et al, 2009). Wolf Reproduction Introduction Wolves reach maturity at the age of two years. When the wolf have found a mate the courtship can last for many weeks. They are monogamous. When they mate the pair remains together in the pack. The age at which the wolves may start reproducing is influenced by the availability of food. The mating of the members of the same pack that is incest is not common among the wolves. According to Aamodt and Johnson (1987) it is only one pair of the wolves that is responsible for reproduction in a pack. It is only the alpha female and male who mate to produce offspring. Although there may be other pairs of wolves in the pack who can produce young ones, they do not in most cases mate. The alpha male uses dominance and force to discourage such wolves from forming pairs or mating. Breeding among the wolves is seasonal. This is because they experience one cycle of ovulation. All female and male wolves reach puberty at the age of twenty two months and they experience their first time production of th e sperms and the ova. The reproduction system in wolves has features that are not common with other mammals. The features of the reproduction is characterized by monogamy, monestrum with diestrous and proestrous phases that are prolonged, the lock and tie nature of their copulation, young adults being integrated into the pack and the leaders of the group suppressing the mating behavior of these young adults. Also wolves even the pseudo pregnant wolves that are those which do not get pregnant after matting are involved in the parental care of the puppies from the other wolves. Although the wolves experience one cycle of ovulation the chances of conceiving by the female are increased by the fact the both male and the female spend most of their time. For example when scent marking, the wolves do it together and this occurs when they are in proestrus phase. Also time in the estrus phase is lengthened thus the male and the female spend more time copulating. Male Wolf Reproductive System Males are twenty percent bigger compare to their female counterparts. They have a penis which supported by a bone called baculum the penis is tucked inside a skin called prepuce. In males that are mature sexually the testes are contained in a scrotal sac and hang between the hind legs. According to Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2010) male wolves have two sperm producing testes located in the external scrotal sac that hangs between the back legs. The Corporation also states that the sperms are produced in the area with the two testes. When the penis is inserted into the vagina of the female, the male wolf may ejaculate and the sperm pass along the urethra which runs through the penis. The male reproductive system can therefore be seen as comprising of several parts paired testes, duct system, scrotum, the prostrate gland and the penis. The sperms are produced in the testicles and stored in the epidermis and they are transported through the vas deferens. Female Wolf Reproductive System Female wolves which are older than twenty two months are capable of giving birth to pups. The females are seasonally monoestrous which means they come into a condition of breeding once in every year. According to the US National Research Council, most of the female wolves in a pack, in one year, give birth to one litter. The committee also highlights that presence of many female wolves with producing potential in a pack makes others not to breed. According to Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2010) the female wolves have two egg producing ovaries and from each ovary a fallopian tube leads to the uterus which has two horns. Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2010) also states that the uterus expands greatly during pregnancy and can hold a maximum of eleven pups. The female reproductive system of a female wolf can therefore be seen as consisting of various parts the ovaries which produce the eggs. After the eggs are produced, it travels through the oviducts to the uterus where it is supposed to meet the male egg and get fertilized. The uterus this is where the fertilized eggs stays and develops in to an embryo where the fetus results and finally into off spring of a wolf. In a female wolf there is a cervix found occupies uterus lower end and also occupies the upper part of the vagina. The vagina is the part of the reproductive system in the female wolf where the male wolf inserts the penis. Below the anus there is the vulva, this is the passage of urine. Phases of the Reproduction Boitani (2003) the reproductive behavior in wolves is related to the seasonal variation in the hormonal production. In autumn there is a rise testosterone hormone in males and estrogen hormones in males. The reproductive phases vary from individuals as a result of interplay of factor such as age, genotype, experience, latitude, body condition and the social environment. Pre-proestrus According to Boitani (2003) this phase occurs early winter or late autumn before the female wolves can produce a discharge from the vagina. In this stage the both the male and the female may express unreciprocated interest in another mate. The flirtatious behavior of the female may be affected by change in hormones resulting form rise in level of the gonadotropin. The Proestrus According to Boitani (2003), this begins when the bloody discharge and rapid growth in the uterine lining. The estrogen levels rise among the female wolves and the adult male s are usually attentive to the smell of the urine and the vulva. This is the communication means that are used for the newly formed pairs and who may be sexually naÃÆ'Â ¯ve. However males who have stayed with their mate may copulate (Boitani, 2003). According to Boitani (2003) the female wolves in this stage send signs to the male mates by prancing, body-rubbing, paw, nuzzling, placing their chin on the back of their males. Estrus According to Boitani (2003), this is the stage in which there is copulation and the female is receptive. He further states that a receptive female wolf shows two behaviors that is flagging which means the female averts the tail to the side of the vulva or may stand still when the male wolf mounts. This phase can also be identified by a vulva that is swollen or soft. The male may respond to females stimuli by licking the genitals and the mounting on her. If a female is non-receptive it may pull away growl, roll over, shove the male wolf away or lie down. The male may spread their hind legs to enhance stability required during mounting. According to Boitani (2003) mounting is followed by pelvic thrusts while the forelegs of the male clasp the ribcage of the female. The thrusting continues until the male ejaculates and this is followed by expansion of the penile bulb (Boitani, 2003). The female wolves get stimulated by this expansion thereby contracting muscle of the uterus to squeeze t he sperms to the ovaries. Metestrus According from Boitani (2003), Progesterone levels are high and pregnancy may result or not. Female wolves in this phase which do not get pregnant are referred to as pseudo pregnant. The males may abandon the pregnant female to look for other estrous females. Pregnancy can be identified by the loss of fur in the bellies and growth of the mammary cells. They may start constructing dens away from areas that can be attacked by other wolves Mating According to Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2010) the wolves courtship and breeding are inextricably bound up with their complex social life. Mating among the wolves is a fairly long- drawn-out affair. The penis of the male wolf swells when inside the females making it impossible for the male to withdraw. The two may remain locked for more than half an hour. This is to the advantage of the male since no other male that can mate with the female and this also enhances the chance of the male fertilizing the egg of the female (Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2010). Gestation Period According to Mech (2003) the gestation period for r wolves is about sixty- two to sixty- three. After the male wolf ejaculates the male egg travel and in less than a minute meet the female egg and as result fertilization occurs. The fertilization and the early stages of the development of the fetus occur in the in the oviduct and the embryo goes to the uterus after some days. After four weeks of pregnancy it is possible to observe enlargement of the abdomen. Still it is possible to observe mammary gland development as the hair starts to disappear. Parturition in female wolves is identified by decline in the progesterone level. When giving birth, the female wolf undergoes through three stages. Internally the wolf experiences contraction of the uterus relaxing the cervix. The second stage is the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus and finally is the period between the fetus expulsion and placenta expulsion marks the end of this final stage. Because they deliver multiple puppies they alternate between expulsion of the fetus and the placenta. During pregnancy the female wolf does not undergo any hormonal transformation and therefore it becomes hard to differentiate between a pregnant female wolf from a non-pregnant one. Litter According to Boitani (2003) the pups are born with their eyes closed. The number of puppies that a female wolf can have depends on the species of the wolf. For example the fray wolf can produce between four and six offspring although the number may go up to fourteen. In one litter the red wolf can give birth to between two and three pups. The arctic wolf on the other hand can give birth to between four and five pups. When they are born, all the members of the pack have the responsibility of raising the offspring. The health of the pups is determined by the food availability to the mother. The pups are accorded a lot of privileges and freedoms compared to other wolves that are ranked in the lower positions in the hierarchy of social structure. Conclusion

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Nvq 3 Assignment 307 Avi

307 AIV Explain TWO ways of helping other practitioners to understand the different systems used to record information in adult social care settings. Answer: Explain them, let them shadow you, monitor them as they use them. 206 AI Explain THREE differences between a WORKING relationship and a PERSONAL relationship. Answer: A personal relationship is one where your personal life and extra curricular activities and social life are involved. A work relationship is another way of describing a relationship with your coworker. You spend time together at work, you work well together, but you have little or no contact outside of work.It's strictly professional. 206 AII Give TWO examples of different working relationship in an adult social care setting Answer: The relationship between manager and care worker, the relationship between care worker and care worker, the relationship between nursing staff and care staff†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. and so on. 206 AIII Explain why it is important that so cial care workers to work in partnership with individuals using the service and their family Answer: It is very important that you work in partnership with your colleagues and all other people.This will include carers, families, advocates, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, other health professionals, social workers, voluntary organisations and other people. Others people may be able to provide useful information to support you in your work and you may be able to provide useful information to support them in being part of the individual’s lives. This is good partnership working. If there are communication difficulties with service users. A carer or family member can share information with you about how you can best communicate with an individual. 206 AIVIdentify THREE ways of working that can help improve partnership working Answer: 1) it is important to work with others as we have a common goal to protect from harm such as illness abuse or injury to ensure we are all involved in decision making to contribute to the growth and development of the whole team 2) using your skills to the best of your ability, train new staff, attend training,know your own role and responsibilitys 3) seek advice from your manager if you had issues in your working relationships. seek advice from your manager if you were unable to resolve the conflict yourselfTask D Presentation or report Prepare a presentation or report on an issue or area of public concern related to the care profession. Your presentation or report should include: †¢ A description of the issue or area of public concern raised †¢ An outline of the different points of view regarding the issue or area of public concern raised †¢ A description of how the issue or area of public concern has affected service provision and methods of working †¢ A description of how public opinion is affected by issues and areas of concern in either the health, social care or children’s and young pe ople's sectorsThe fallout from Panorama's programme on 31 May, Undercover Care, is being felt across social care. The BBC screened undercover footage of people with learning disabilities being choked, pushed and taunted by members of staff at Winterbourne View hospital, run by Castlebeck. Arrests made/hospital closed Police have arrested and bailed 11 people in relation to the case, on suspicion of ill-treatment under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, while Castlebeck has suspended two managers and 11 front line members of staff. The 24-bed hospital has now closed.The provider has apologised unreservedly for the abuse and commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers to carry out an investigation into its services. However, in a damning report on Winterbourne View, the Care Quality Commission accused Castlebeck of â€Å"misleading† it by failing in its duty to report serious incidents to the regulator. This was followed by a damning report on Castlebeck as a whole by the CQC, which found t hat half of its services were not meeting essential standards. Since then, two other Castlebeck services for people with learning disabilities, Rose Villa and Arden Vale, have closed after the CQC threatened legal action.Whistleblowing concerns Concerns at Winterbourne View came to light after a charge nurse raised the issue with the hospital in October 2010 and his allegations were passed on to the local authority, South Gloucester shire Council, in its capacity as lead safeguarding agency, and then relayed to the CQC in December. However, Castlebeck admits that its own whistleblowing procedures were not followed, and a multi-disciplinary safeguarding meeting into the issue was not held until February 2011.The CQC also failed to contact the whistleblower, which it admitted prevented it from taking swift action. It has subsequently disciplined a member of staff over the case, while it has also emerged that the CQC did not conduct any inspections of learning disability hospitalsbetwe en October 2010, when concerns were raised at Winterbourne, and January 2011 The CQC is also conducting an internal review into its role, while South Gloucester shire Safeguarding Adult Board has launched a serious case review, which will be chaired by adult protection expert Margaret Flynn.Care services minister Paul Burstow is considering an independent review into the case, to examine failings by the CQC and safeguarding agencies, and will decide whether to call a probe on the basis of the SCR's findings. In addition, Burstow has called on the CQC to carry out a series of unannounced inspections of learning disability hospitals such as Winterbourne View. This comes with use of private hospitals on the increase and in the wake of two national audits of specialist health provision for learning disabled people in recent years, both of which identified poor standards.Commissioners are also subjecting learning disability hospitals to extra scrutiny in the wake of the scandal, while th e number of inspections by the CQC has rocketed. Experts demand reform However, 86 learning disability experts and organisations have written to government to say this is not enough, and that learning disability services need wholesale reform, including an end to placements in hospitals and investment in alternatives in the community.Though these placements are designed for short-term assessment and treatment, aCommunity Care investigation found that patients had been resident in them for an average of almost two years, with one in five in hospitals for at least five years. However, a government-commissioned report has warned that there are few incentives for providers or commissioners to overhaul private hospital services. Good practiseCommunity Care has published a number of good practise pieces responding to the case: Why institutional services such as Winterbourne are still being commissioneddespite years of expert guidance calling for community-based alternatives to be used ins tead. How staff training and good recruitment practises can ensure good-quality residential care for people with learning disabilities. Training tips for providers working with adults with challenging behaviour, from the British Institute of Learning Disabilities.Community Care has also published a number of opinion pieces responding to the case: Social worker Phil Collins says the profession must stand up and be counted in hospital and secure settings. The manager of a private mental health hospital examines the barriers to good safeguarding facing the sector. The British Institute of Learning Disabilities' Sharon Paley sets out her blueprint for avoiding another Winterbourne View.A council contract monitoring officer argues that it is becoming harder to tackle poor quality care because of cuts. A therapist questions the claims of some learning disability services to offer ‘therapeutic environments'. Castlebeck was urged to put values at the heart of its services by Andy Lusk , director of autism services at the charity Ambitious about Autism. Debate is raging online on what the case means for care services for vulnerable people. Have your say on Community Care’s Care Space forum.

Friday, January 10, 2020

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Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Giza Pyramid Site Of Giza - 906 Words

This essay will be examining the World Heritage listed site of â€Å"Memphis and its Necropolis - the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur†, typically referred to as the Giza pyramid site. The Giza pyramid site consists of not only the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx, but also lesser known components such as cemeteries and workers village. The site is located in Giza, close to modern day Cairo in Egypt. Figure 1 below shows the layout of the site The Giza pyramid site is an ancient Egypt burial site. To understand the significance of the Giza pyramid site it is necessary to first understand the rise of Egyptian civilization, and the religious significance of burial customs. Egyptian civilization began when settlers arrived in the fertile Nile valley around 3500 BCE. Oral traditions and history were preserved as written communication in the form of hieroglyphics which developed around 3100 BCE (British Museum, 2016). The deciphering of hieroglyphics in the nineteenth century assisted greatly in understanding the ancient Egyptian world. Initially Egypt was divided into two areas, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, and the unification of these two areas is considered the start of the dynasties of Egyptian kings (pharaohs). Even before the times of the pharaohs, burial tombs for eminent ancient Egyptians were mastabas (literally â€Å"bench of mud†). These were flat top rectangular structures built over the top of burial chambers set deep underground. The purpose of the mastabaShow MoreRelatedThe Great Pyramid of Giza Essay679 Words   |  3 PagesThe Great Pyramid of Giza Who built the Great Pyramid? The Great Pyramid was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Khufuwas born in 2589 BC - 2566 BC. His real name was Khnum-khuf meaning the god Khnum is his protection. Khufuwas the son of another great pyramid builder, King Sneferu. Khufus mothers name was Hetepheres. Khufuwas the second king in the 4th dynasty. 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