Monday, November 11, 2019

Natives and the Justice System Essay

The Angus viewed the relationship between Aboriginal people and the Europeans in various ways. The Europeans in the particular context appeared to be superior since they had instigated many activities during the fur trade. An interaction between the particular cultures existed. It saw the union of marriage arise between a young girl of Ojibwa origin and a certain Scottish fur trader. She resided on the shores of the Georgian Bay. The union derived various benefits to her community but the marriage life of Ikwe was marked with isolation and destitution. The Scottish people did not approve the union. Various values and customs often contradicted and drove the relationship that existed between the Scottish trader and Ikwe. The Europeans had at that time embraced and adopted oppression with slavery and forced trade being the mode of operation. The marriage was not perceived well since there was no unity at that time between the European settlers and the Africans. Any collaboration between the Aboriginal people and the European settlers was viewed negatively by the indigenous people who resided in that particular community. The white settlers and traders ruled the lands at that time and treaties were a rare occurrence. Marriage between a trader and an aboriginal girl had various perceptions and it was evident that no form of collaboration would exist between the two families there by dismantling the very basic principles of marriage and family. From Angus’ perspective, various elements stayed hidden between the Aboriginal people’s relationship with the Europeans. The tension that existed between the people superseded the benefits that the community derived from the Europeans. The local traditions feared for the life of Ikwe since she would adopt new ways and forget the customs within which she was bread. Angus did not view Aboriginal people to be equal to the Europeans. According to him the Europeans were more superior. In the movie, the aboriginals were offered less attention by the government compared to the Europeans. The Europeans were given priority in the public offices1. The others were perceived and treated as inferior and irrelevant. The aboriginals had low paying jobs and others were enslaved by the Europeans. This explains why the Europeans opposed the marriage between Ikwe and the trader. Ikwe was an aboriginal and they were regarded as inferior and less intelligent compared to the Europeans. The aboriginals were seen as workers and employees of the Europeans and they criticized the marriage especially the Scottish trader for stooping too low to marry an aboriginal. This clearly depicts that the European society was considered to be superior and more appreciated compared to the other people. In the film, the aboriginals were alienated and separated from the Europeans. They had separate residential areas where the Europeans leaved under better and conducive areas compared to the aboriginals. The aboriginals have restricted movement and they mainly staid in shanties where the living conditions were very poor and high level of poverty and insecurity. In the places of work, the Europeans were considered for the bigger positions and responsibilities. Only Europeans took the leadership positions and the aboriginals were treated as minorities whose rights were ever infringed. In the video, Angus views the aboriginal people as inferior to the Europeans. They are alienated and treated as minorities with no rights. The Europeans considered themselves superior and more intelligent1 References   Milward, David. Aboriginal Justice and the Charter: Realizing a Culturally Sensitive Interpretation of Legal Rights. UBC Press, 2012. Ikwe. Directed by Norma Bailey. 1986. Source document

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