Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Maya Angelou as a Caged Bird Essay - 1153 Words

Maya Angelou as a Caged Bird The graduation scene from I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings illustrates how, living in the midst of racism and unequal access to opportunity, Maya Angelou was able to surmount the obstacles that stood in her way of intellectual develop and find higher ground. One of the largest factors responsible for Angelous academic success was her dedication to and capacity for hard work, My work alone has awarded me a top place...No absences, no tardinesses, and my academic work was among the best of the year (Angelou 13-14). Angelou worked hard and read a great deal in order to be able to perform on such a level, in spite of the fact that she had much less access (or none) to the quality of teachers, school†¦show more content†¦Angelou also overcame the isolation, muffling of her voice and low self-esteem that can develop in a segregated environment by looking to those who had achieved higher ground before her, in books, in music, and in art. She completely memorized The Rape of Lucr ece, was well versed in Shakespeare, knew the life and times of Booker T. Washington, and was aware of the enduring power of black music. Like Washington would advocate, through hard work, education, love of others and making herself indispensable by way of her accomplished development, Angelou was able to rise above the disadvantages of her environment repeatedly. This is not to say that feelings of low self-esteem, anger, hostility, bitterness and rage were not all feelings and emotions engendered in her by the abusive environment that she would have to let go of before she could truly find herself-on higher ground. She describes how awful it was to be black and be accused of things one could not even find opportunity to defend against. She wishes all blacks were dead, she says black is one of the colors she hates, and she wishes she could choke Donleavy to death for his exploitative, ignorant racist ideology. Yet, even when she is at her angriest, we see her wit and intellig ence shine through that anger light a bright ray of hope, the same ray of light she will eventually use to find herself and reach higher ground. HerShow MoreRelatedCaged Bird By Maya Angelou1341 Words   |  6 Pagesfitting example would be Maya Angelou, a poet, who wrote a lot about social and racial issues. In one of Angelou’s famous poems â€Å"Caged Bird† , she uses contrasting birds to express her emotions towards oppression and freedom. Angelou uses diction, imagery, and metaphor in the poem within the birds opposition to realize the perception of silence and lack of power in African American slavery. Angelou conveys her emotions of oppression and freedom through diction in â€Å"Caged Bird† in order to grasp theRead MoreThe Themes Of The Caged Bird By Maya Angelou1651 Words   |  7 PagesA poem about two birds: one caged and one free, Caged Bird by Maya Angelou is a poem loaded with personal anecdotes. Angelou contrasts the two birds throughout the poem and discusses the ideas of freedom and oppression using the birds as metaphors. The free bird is able to fly as he wishes, â€Å"daring to claim the sky†. On the other hand, the caged bird is limited to his cage, with clipped wings and tied feet, dreaming of the open sky. Because he is confined, he does what he can and begins to sing,Read MoreAnalysis Of Maya Angelou s Caged Bird 1835 Words   |  8 Pagesthe loving Dr. Maya Angelou. She was a tremendous figure in their lives and a phenomenal woman. One day my family was sitting outside, and my mom was reading a book with a lot of famous poems. The one she read a loud was Maya Angelou’s poem â€Å"Caged Bird.† She was so emotional reading this poem. During that time, I did not understand her emotions. At my high school, we would always celebrate black history month, so one day my favorite teacher brought the movie â€Å"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.† My classmatesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Caged Bird By Maya Angelou882 Words   |  4 PagesThe poem â€Å"Caged Bird† by Maya Angelou tells the story of two birds: one bird has the luxury of freedom and the second bird lives its life caged and maltreated by an unknown tyrant. Maya Angelou wrote this poem during the Civil Rights Era, the period when black activists in the 1950’s and 1960’s fought for desegregation of African Americans. This poem parallels the oppression that African Americans were fighting during this time period. In â€Å"Caged Bird†, Angelou builds a strong contrast that showsRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings B y Maya Angelou1391 Words   |  6 PagesMaya Angelou’s debut autobiography is an article of literature that depicts the life of a young black girl growing up in a world pitted against her, and the resilience she found in herself in order to survive. Angelou is a voice that is not often heard. In a world dominated by a white male narrative, the plights of the minority are often overshadowed. Thus, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is an imperative novel as it articulates the life of not only Angelou, but also of the unique experiences thatRead MoreMaya Angelou s I Know The Caged Bird Sings1836 Words   |  8 Pages In Maya Angelou’s I Know the Caged Bird Sings (1969), the reader is absorbed into a personal account of her life starting from her childhood to young adulthood during the 1930s and 1940s. From a young age, Maya witnessed the first-hand effects of racism in the South for blacks growing up alongside her brother, Bailey. In the novel, Angelou faces racial discri mination and displacement inside and outside her own community that act as metaphorical cages barring her from the freedom to be her true selfRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By Maya Angelou Essay2303 Words   |  10 PagesOne of the quotes that Maya Angelou spoke about goes â€Å"History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.† In two of the poems written by Maya Angelou ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings,’ which inspired millions of readers helped tackle difficulties related to themes such as racism, sexual abuse, equality. â€Å"Still I Rise† explores the idea of racial discrimination along with Abel Meeropol â€Å"Strange Fruit† and ‘Caged Bird’ which was sang by AliciaRead MoreI Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou6502 Words   |  27 PagesAnalysis: Chapters 1–5 The lines from the poem Maya cannot finish, â€Å"What are you looking at me for? I didn’t come to stay . . .† capture two of the most significant issues she struggles with in her childhood and young adulthood: feeling ugly and awkward and never feeling attached to one place. First, Maya imagines that though people judge her unfairly by her awkward looks, they will be surprised one day when her true self emerges. At the time, she hopes that she will emerge as if in a fairy-taleRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By Maya Angelou886 Words   |  4 PagesChampion of the World is a chapter in Maya Angelou s book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings where the focal point describes a very significant event to the African American people during her adolescence. It shows a 1930’s black community fired up about a fight over racial resentment build up over the past years. The famous African American boxer, Joe Louis, it fighting for his title against a white contender. The story explains in detail the overwhelming amount of excitement and eagerness comingRead MoreEssay on I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou2409 Words   |  10 Pagesskin. Since they were evidently treated differently, many despised the fact that they were black. As a result of their helpless circumstances, it was understandable that many blacks during that time lacked confidence and self-acceptance. Maya Angelou was an African American girl who grew up during this challenging time. During her childhood, she witnessed and experienced racial prejudice first hand. She had difficultly understanding and accepting the consequences that accompanied belonging

Monday, December 16, 2019

Animation and transition Effects Free Essays

According to what is mentioned in the fundamentals of the system, the user requirements, the slides must consist of some animation effects pictures and words. The system must also include transition effects where one slide changes to another. On the first slide or homepage however, there will be no animation or transition effects, because most of the information is displayed on the Main Page and if for example each contaminant of the Contents is seen appearing, disappearing, dissolving e. We will write a custom essay sample on Animation and transition Effects or any similar topic only for you Order Now t.c, then the user is most likely to get confused. The other disadvantage of including animations and transition effects on the homepage is that they take some time of carry out the effect, and even though the timings can be changed, it is almost certain that it will take the reader more than 5 seconds to learn how to use the system. However, the reader may still get confused when navigating throughout the other slides seeing many different transition effects taking place. So there will only be two transition effects used which are Checker box across and Checker box down. The user will have the choice of clicking on a selected category from the Contents, if he does not do this within a generous period of 2 minutes then the transition effect will automatically take place and the slide will change to the next slide. This will be useful because people who just wish to look at the system and don’t want to use it, or foreigners, they can see the cool effects and different slides which will be very eye catching and attract the users attention. Breakdown of final solution into sub-tasks Even though the final design was considered best possible from a range of people, there was still room for implementation, which additionally helped, achieves a professional looking eye catching, attractive system. What to do to implement the final design and how to do it can be put into a step-by-step list, and each can be put into sub-tasks The first task: Create the homepage slide (the first slide that the user will see when using the system) The Title the Amp Oval will be done in the specified font but the letter ‘O’ in ‘Oval’ in the cricket ball shape will be achieved by copying the text into Microsoft Paint, then selecting or free-form selecting the letter ‘O’ and adding colour using colour applying facilities and further manipulating the ‘O’ into a Cricket Ball. The second task: Obtaining the grass effect: The grass effect in the background will be obtained by saving a picture of grass from the internet. Only one square chunk of the grass will need to be copied and pasted in Microsoft Paint so that the contrast and colour can be altered to make it have the effect of a background. This will then be copied and pasted several times in the presentation to fill the appropriate areas. The third task: Creating navigation buttons: In Microsoft PowerPoint there is already a making-life easy option of inserting action buttons under the slide show menu. This also contains the facilities for decisions to be made of what slide to hyperlink to by pressing the button. If the button need be altered then by clicking the button, a menu will open up ‘Format auto shape’ where the colour of the button, and various other things can be done to the action button. The fourth task: Adding maps and images: The Site map locating the Amp Oval will be scanned directly out of an A-Z on the appropriate page. It will be saved as a .jpeg file and opened up in Microsoft Paint, where the size can be changed to fit it in the available area, and an arrow and an ‘X’ can be marked to show where exactly on the map it is. The stadium side view image will be imported from the internet onto the system. This will be saved as well as a larger image, which is the result of stretching the original image. The t-shirt will be opened in Paint and parts of it will be changed using the select option. The fifth task: Adding animation and transitional effects to each slide: Each slide will contain similar animation and transition effects to add more interest and get the users attention. The final task: Testing to see if the system works: Ultimately the most important task is to check if the system works, if it doesn’t work as required then the errors can be corrected. If this final task is not carried out, then there is no idea if the system will meet the User requirements. Test Plan It can not be emphasized enough how important it is to carry out a test plan to confirm and re-confirm that the design contains everything mentioned in the user requirements, any additional, and implementations are to be considered after the design has been implemented. It is very important to know that no errors are to be discovered in the system. Therefore, a test plan has been assembled together and thought of with great precision to make sure that the system is to the highest of standards. How to cite Animation and transition Effects, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Professional Skills Development for Practice and Profession

Question: Discuss about theProfessional Skills Development for Practice and Profession. Answer: Portfolio 1-Annotated bibliography Reference 1: Leicester, N. (2016). Ethics in the IT Profession: Does a Code of Ethics have an Effect on Professional Behaviour?, 11(4), 140-151 The journal helps to understand the importance of ethics in a professional place. The importance of the development of a code of ethics has been described with viewpoints made by the author. The author has clearly stated that in order to pursue a successful profession it is needed that people pursue ethical context in the workplace. The development of code of ethics is formed to guide professional behaviour among the people. The study interviews IT professionals working in New Zealand. Each professional is provided with ethical code sheet in order to identify the responses given by the people keeping in mind the codes. The professionals provide their view based on scenarios present in a case study. The small sample size denotes the act that this is an indicative research and can be conducted again in the future. Reference 2: Warren, M., Warren, M., Lucas, R., Lucas, R. (2016). Ethics and ICT: Why all the fuss?.Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society,14(2), 167-169. The journal introduces special sections that provide a clear indication about the sections mentioned in the code of ethics. The author of the paper also provides significant moments about the evaluation of these codes. The contextual moments provide an understanding of the methods of research. Based on this the research is carried out in order to identify the techniques required for maintaining ethical conduct. The initiative taken by the Australian Government to broaden ICT ethics is described in the journal. This provides an overview about the ways by which Australian initiative can be taken in account. An attempt has been made in order to bring together the new ethics and the academic courses together. This can help in identifying the extent to which one required the use of ethics in every professional field. Reference 3: McDermid, D. (2015).Ethics in ICT: an Australian perspective. Pearson Higher Education AU. This particular book highlights the formation of Australian ICT codes. The codes provide an overview the ethical practises that are needed in order to maintain professional in the work place. The ICT codes are Government codes that help in the identification of ethical culture in the field of work. The author encourages the perspective of Australian code rather than following the American code. The book is mainly intended for students pursuing a career in mastering in ICT code. The book provides the laws and principles required to be maintained in the ethical codes. This can help in the future development of the people and help in creating a proper code of conduct around every workplace. Reference 4: Burmeister, O., Al-Saggaf, Y., Schwartz, M., Johnson, L. (2014). Internet resources to help Australian ICT professionals identify and solve ethical challenges. ACIS, 23(2), 125-133 The journal helps to understand the challenges faced by ICT professionals every day. The author explores the challenges identified in over 2000 industries. As identified by the author the challenges come in various forms that threaten the existence of ICT professionals. One of the major problems that they face is the issues involving ethics. These ethical conduct need to be maintained in order to manage the professionalism that exists in the workplace. 43 participants were interviewed in order to understand the common challenges faced by the professionals and the solutions adopted to solve these issues. These were recorded in order to conduct further research about the ways by which the issues can be prevented in the future. Effective solutions were developed for this purpose. Reference 5: Crystal, N. M. (2017).Professional responsibility: Problems of practice and the profession. Wolters Kluwer Law Business. The book is based on the problems that individuals face regarding ICT application. Professional and skilled employees can do the use of ICT in order to use it effectively in a workplace. The roles performed by the individuals in this regard indicate the professional training required by which this can be performed. The duties that are required to be done by a professional in the ICT field are focused in this book. The author states certain rules that need to be cleared while maintaining the ethical codes and applying ICT in the field. These rules determine the ways by which one can understand the use of ICT in a professional business. The responsibilities are also stated based on the practise of the ethical conduct codes. Portfolio 2-Reflective writing From the experience, I have learned that working in groups is very important as it helps in the formulation of trust and completes the assigned task on time. Contribution as a group has helped me to identify the importance of working together in order to make a presentation successful. At the initial phase, I had difficulties in order to adjust with varied thoughts coming from other people. However, with time, the difficulties were overcome and a successful team was built. My contribution in the group had been to gather information regarding the challenges faced by professionals in the course of ethical codes in a workplace. I had contributed to making a proper research regarding the use the codes and the value it adds to the success of an organisation. This contributed positively for the team as others could manage other works required for the project. However, I failed to perform multitasking abilities in order to help more in the team. My whole time was devoted to the research behind the implications of ethical codes in organisations. This proved by a setback for the team as more work needed to be completed in less number of days. From the experience, I had learned that working in a team needs an ability to be multitasking. Any responsibility provided to the member needs to be solved quickly and efficiently in order to move forward and help in other activities. This increases the value of an individual as well as the effectiveness of the team in order to attain success. I had learned that trust and teamwork could help in the efficiency of a team and keep the members united. However, there are things that I would like to do differently in the future. In the future, I would want to complete my tasks quickly and help others in completing their tasks. I need to make a valuable contribution to my team so that the team can develop itself properly and face any challenges that they face. I would also like to adopt a different role in terms of helping my team if my current role is the cause of the failure of the project. The positives encountered by me while presenting the project was the fact that I could learn about the ACS Code of Ethics in detail. I could identify the challenges that exist in the professional world and the ways to mitigate these challenges. My research helped my team to complete the project on time. However, on a negative side, I had failed to gather more scenarios that could have made my presentation stronger. I need to improve on this so that I can ensure that in future I can make my presentation more successful. Portfolio 3-Response to ethical scenario Ethical conduct is important to prevent an organisation from being biased o any employee (Johnson, 2017). The experience that occurred regarding the loss of scholarship despite the hard work indicated the fact that biases exist in every industry. Hence, I have learned that I need to take care of certain things by myself in order to succeed at the professional level. The lack of ethical code in the workplace led to the occurrence of such a scenario. In this particular situation, I had to report to other students who were deprived of the scholarship. I had contributed to the experience by putting my voice up against such unethical practice. The way by which I was deprived by my scholarship despite having good grades and being hard working led me to be disappointed. Thereby, the positive thing that I did was to include those members who had suffered the same way like me. This led me to point out the flaws in the ethics of the place. However, the negative thing that I did was I had not w aited to see whether the decision can be reversed or whether I get the scholarship. I need to consider such an aspect in order to improve my judgement. From the experience, I have learned that organisational politics may exist without a proper ethical code of conduct. According to Kelly, (2014), this can lead to the loss of opportunities for many deserving candidates. The candidates that are supposedly powerful in terms of finances may get the opportunities due to lack of an ethical code of conduct. In the light of this, it can be said that in a future time, I could have handled the situation in a more matured manner than I had done in the present scenario. In this case, the elements that are needed to be considered for the ACS document include the professional development. Professional development helps in addressing the responsibilities in a workplace (Crystal, 2017). It enhances professional development and ensures that every member receives equal treatment in a workplace. In my case, this is an important element favouritism had taken place in the workplace. Apart from this, the other element that I need to consider is the professionalism. This is important in order to highlight the injustice done in the work place (Hardy, 2016). In this case, providing the information to the public could have had a positive impact on the workplace and brought about ethical code. Portfolio 4-Completion of task Interpersonal skill was used in order to communicate ideas regarding the choice of topic. I had listened carefully to the topics that were presented in front of me before verbally communicating about the pros and cons of the topic and the ways it can be educative for students. One way by which I had used my reading skills is by researching about the challenges that are faced by people in a workplace. The ethical codes that are to be maintained are in large numbers and as a result, lots of research was done to identify the codes and its punishment for violation. During my presentation, I had provided an in-depth knowledge about the ways by which professional can maintain ethical codes in a workplace. I had researched a lot on this topic and hence, it was easy for me to communicate my knowledge during my presentation. These helped in gaining more points for the team. During the assessment, I had developed an understanding of the ICT domain. I had presented this while identifying the challenges and the ways by which one can mitigate the challenges. The challenges were in the form of ethical behaviours, social and privacy issues that can harm a particular workplace. Before joining the group for presentation, I did not have proper communication skills. Hence, it was difficult for me to provide my ideas to the people. However, with time I developed this skill by constantly talking with people and gaining new ideas from them. This was effective for developing my communication skills. I had read articles about the use of ICT and the impact it can cause if not improved from time to time. This research helped me to understand the ways by which ICT can be implemented in the organisation effectively. The implementation can help in improving the organisational process. HipChat and XWiki Collaboration Suite are two technologies that can be used effectively for communication and collaboration purpose. These two technologies are unique and can improve the process of sharing information discreetly from one member to another. The benefits of these technologies are the fact that information can be shared in a cryptic manner that can be free from attacks from hackers. Thus, these two technologies can help an organisation to pass on information from one organisation to another without any fear of leakage on information. The two things that I like about this unit is the fact that I can understand the ethical code of workplaces and the communication technologies required for success in an organisation. The reason for these two topics being my favourite is the fact that proper knowledge can be gained from the use of technologies in an organisation. The two areas that need improvement in the unit is the ability to show personal development and the ways by which ICT can be applied in a specific organisation. These areas require improvement because the application of these in a specific organisation can help in understanding the ways by which ethical code and technologies can be used explicitly. Bibliography Burmeister, O., Al-Saggaf, Y., Schwartz, M., Johnson, L. (2014). Internet resources to help Australian ICT professionals identify and solve ethical challenges. ACIS, 23(2), 125-133. Crystal, N. M. (2017).Professional responsibility: Problems of practice and the profession. Wolters Kluwer Law Business. Hardy, M. C. (2016). Drafting an Effective Ethical Code of Conduct for Professional Societies: A Practical Guide.Administrative Sciences,6(4), 16. Johnson, C. (2017). Code of ethics revised and updated.Australian Medicine,29(5), 12. Kelly, J. (2014). Turning the'code of ethics' challenge into an opportunity.Municipal Engineering Australia,41(4), 21. Leicester, N. (2016). Ethics in the IT Profession: Does a Code of Ethics have an Effect on Professional Behaviour?, 11(4), 140-151` Main, D. C. J. (2015). Do codes of conduct matter?.The Veterinary record,176(25), 652-653. McDermid, D. (2015).Ethics in ICT: an Australian perspective. Pearson Higher Education AU. Walker, K. (2017). When professionals breach the Code of Professional Conduct.IQ: The RIM Quarterly,33(1), 4. Warren, M., Warren, M., Lucas, R., Lucas, R. (2016). Ethics and ICT: Why all the fuss?.Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society,14(2), 167-169.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Revolutionary War

The American War for Independence is the key event in the American history because of its significance for the nation’s development and for forming the nation’s identity. The victory of the American colonists in the conflict with the British Empire is also significant because the Revolutionary War was won in spite of the British obvious military superiority. From this point, a lot of researchers are inclined to focus on the causes of the colonists’ victory as the example of the people’s struggle for their liberty and rights as an independent nation.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Revolutionary War specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, the Revolutionary War resulted in the victory of the American colonists because the experienced British army was defeated with the help of the new military techniques, approaches, and strategies, the Americans had the territory advantage, a nd the help of the French military and officers was significant to oppose the British attacks. The American colonies took considerable risks while planning the rebellion against the British rule because the British military was famous for its equipment, for the usage of the most successful strategies, and for the experience of officers. Moreover, the Royal Navy was the most developed and influential navy in Europe. On the contrary, the American colonies did no have the single army. The colonists fought in the first battles basing on the united army formed with the help of the colonies’ militia, and the Continental Army was created in order to fight for the interests of the Americans as the nation (Henretta and Brody). From this point, the opposition of the American colonists could be perceived as the insignificant conflict in which the British military could win the obvious victory. Nevertheless, the American colonists achieved the major goal of their revolution and ended the rule of the British Empire in the colonies. The British army was defeated, and historians determine several significant aspects to explain this phenomenon. The first important aspect is the fact that the British army could not orient successfully at the territories of the American colonies. Thus, the colonists had the advantage of knowing the landscape. The figure of George Washington is necessary to be discussed with references to the questions of the colonists’ advantages and strategies. Knowing the colonies’ landscape well, Washington and officers could develop the effective plans of attacking the British military, and they chose the most advantageous positions to set their forces. As a result, the advantage of home-field contributed to the effective realization of Washington’s strategies (Dziennik). From this perspective, the next important feature of the American military is the non-traditional approach to fighting.Advertising Looking for research pap er on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The power of the British army was in the traditional approach to planning strategies and developing battles. In contrast, Washington focused on the unexpected approach to fighting, making the enemy be confused with the American army’s strategy. The lack of the military experience became insignificant because of the new methods to develop the war actions. The risks taken by Washington in realization of the definite war operations resulted in the British army’s losses because of the operations’ unexpectedness. Furthermore, the strategies used by the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War determined the main aspects of the military history of the Americans. Thus, Knott pays attention to the fact that â€Å"it is a military history that explains, in turn, some of the distinctive features of American, French, and British political cultures immediately after that rev olutionary war† (Knott 20). The military history is important for the development of any nation, and it is especially important when the history of the country is associated with the struggle of the nation for independence. One more advantage of the colonists which is stated by many researchers was the French support of the American army and the help of the French officers in developing the strategies. The French army was the well-known enemy of the British military in many war conflicts. Thus, the French officers knew the particular features of the British officers’ approaches (Knott 22). The first victories assured the American colonists in the fact that the right direction was chosen to achieve the nation’s independence. The American colonists’ patriotism and the enormous desire to achieve the independence were the decisive aspects to encourage soldiers to continue their fight. According to Knott, â€Å"approved or disapproved by the future conservativ e, the changes effected by this war encompassed notions of liberty and authority, patriotism and the nation, representation and the role of the ‘people’ in politics† (Knott 19). The American War for Independence played the significant role in the further development of the country as the union of the colonies. The American colonists won the Revolutionary War because it was the war for independence and against the discriminative laws imposed by the British Empire.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Revolutionary War specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The American colonists saw the real goal of their fight, and the Continental Army’s officers did not fear to take risks and use the new approaches to defeat the enemy. The superiority of the British military became mythical when the British soldiers had to fight at the unfamiliar territories, and the home-field advantage along with t he French support contributed to the victory of the American colonists. Works Cited Dziennik, Matthew. â€Å"Through an Imperial Prism: Land, Liberty, and Highland Loyalism in the War of American Independence†. Journal of British Studies 50.2 (2011): 332-358. Print. Henretta, James, and David Brody. America: A Concise History, Volume I: To 1877. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010. Print. Knott, Sarah. â€Å"Sensibility and the American War for Independence†. American Historical Review 109.1 (2004): 19-40. Print. This research paper on The Revolutionary War was written and submitted by user LivingMummy to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.