Thursday, October 31, 2019

Incident Management Team #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Incident Management Team #7 - Essay Example Nature of the incident and the different types of skill sets of the employees determine the members of an incident management team. The line officer is responsible for analysing the nature of the fire incident and to formulate suitable teams to tackle it. He must decide in which category the incident comes and what are the immediate priorities of the teams formed. The line officer must make the team members aware of the nature of the incident and he must provide a brief about the main objectives and immediate objectives of the team in action at the incident place. For example, if the fire causes threat to the life of the people, then the team’s immediate objectives must be to save the life of the people. Incident Management starts as the smallest unit and then changes the structure of the unit according to the complexity of the emergency. Team development is an important part in the management of a fire incident. The members of an IMT (Incident Management Team) should work as a team, and learn the knowledge and skills needed to perform effectively in stressful, dynamic conditions. â€Å"Team decision-making is a critical aspect of effective IMTs, and this skill must be developed by the team as a whole in an exercise/activity environment so that it can be applied appropriately during an emergency† (Incident Management Team Development) In an incident management team, there will be command staffs and general staffs. The type of the incident determines the whether to allocate different positions to the staff or not. The incident management teams are designed to tackle fire and safety related problems. The preliminary aim of the IMT’s is to protect the life and property of the public from the dangers caused by fire like safety issues. As a fire fighter I have to obey the commands from my superiors in saving the life

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Information Security Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Information Security Management - Assignment Example The GhostNet systems also facilitate downloading of a Trojan called Ghost Rat that enables attackers to have control of the attacked systems on a real-time basis(Villenueve & Walton, 2009). That makes monitoring and identification of security breach a complicated process. The fact that it can operate the web cameras and microphones is just beyond.The system is not able to achieve the expected security in operation especially after an attack by GhostNet since it can send email messages from the infected systems to other users alluding to be the authenticate persons. The detecting users become victims since these emails have malware spread-out to them.b)The detail in the headings below how might apply each of the SSE processes in the above diagram have helped the case study organizations to avoid their vulnerabilities being exploited?PA02-5 Assess Impact; Security Risk; Threat; VulnerabilityThe result will be forming a foundation for security that will address requirements both in the organization, meet the needs of the policies and the law. It helps achieve set security objectives in the system.PA10 Specify Security NeedsIt involves identification of particular security that affects the system in the case apart from the general threats. That will ensure that the solutions derived directly address the particular system.PA09 Provide Security InputIt ensures that the designing of the system and it's architecting is based on the security needs initially identified.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fundamental concepts of the IASB framework

Fundamental concepts of the IASB framework The International Accounting Standard Board herein referred to as the IASB, sets forth standards that outlined in its Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements. The IASB framework applies to general-purpose financial statements. That is, the primary financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, etc.) and the accompanying notes but not additional financial or nonfinancial information, such as directors reports, management discussion and analysis, etc. The IASB framework because of its more limited scope, discusses objectives in the context of business entities only (IFRSs and US, 2007). The IASB framework starts with a broad focus, by discussing the objectives in terms of information useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions. It lists a wide variety of present and potential users. The IASB framework narrows that focus to a particular group of users. Reasons given include pragmatic reasons (for example, a focus to avoid being vague or highly abstract) and that meeting the information needs of that particular group of users is likely to meet most of the needs of other users. The objectives of financial statements/reports have significant implications for other parts of the framework. For example, objectives affect the elements, in particular the definitions of liabilities and equity. If the objective of financial reporting is to provide information useful to shareholders in making economic decisions, this points toward defining equity narrowly (for example, common shareholders only). Shareholders are interested in the effect of transactions or events on the value of their shares (for example, dilution). In contrast, if the objective of financial reporting is to provide information to a range of users (for example, shareholders, lenders, suppliers, and various other users), this points toward a focus on reporting the effect of transactions or events on the entity, not on the financial position of one particular group of users. Fundamental Concepts Underlying Assumptions The IASB framework prominently features two underlying assumptions: the accrual basis and the going-concern basis. Accrual accounting and related concepts are reviewed extensively. In contrast, the going-concern basis is disclosed in a footnote only. Qualitative Characteristics The IASB framework discusses qualitative characteristics of financial information in terms of attributes that make the information provided useful to users in making economic decisions. The IASB framework discusses fundamental qualitative characteristics, qualitative characteristics and pervasive constraints, an outline of each follows this paragraph. The IASB framework also discusses constraints, such as cost-benefit considerations, and the trade-off between the various qualitative characteristics, such as relevance, and reliability. The IASB framework states that the exercise of prudence or conservatism does not allow the deliberate understatement of net assets and profits. The Boards have identified two characteristics that it has determined to be fundamental qualitative characteristics. Those are: relevance and faithful representation. The definitions are below: Relevant Financial Reporting information that has predictive value or confirmatory value. Faithful Representation Financial reporting complete and free from material error and neutral. The Boards have identified enhancing qualitative characteristics to be: comparability, verifiability, timelines, and understandability. The pervasive constraints identified by the Board: materiality and costs (Conceptual framework for, Chapter 2 2008). In the IASB framework the assets definition has a central role, in that all other element definitions are based upon the definition of assets. That asset primacy is not because information about assets is the most important financial information. Rather, it is because, for a set of definitions of elements of articulated financial statements to be internally consistent and avoid circularity, it has to start by defining one of the elements and base the rest of the definitions upon that definition. Capital and Capital Maintenance The concepts of capital and capital maintenance concern how an entity defines its capital (that is, its store of wealth) for the purposes of distinguishing between an entitys return on capital and its return of capital. The IASB conceptual framework briefly discusses two concepts of capital (and their associated capital maintenance concepts): financial and physical (or operating capability). It does not specify which of the two concepts should be adopted, other than to say that the selection of the appropriate concept of capital are based upon on the needs of users of financial statements. Pros and Cons of Principles Based-System The inherent characteristic of a principles-based framework is the potential of different interpretations for similar transactions. Proponents of worldwide adoption of IFRS work to ensure assure that similar transactions would obtain the same treatment by companies around the world, resulting in globally comparable financial statements. A principle-based system addresses a broad area of accounting that remains consistent with a clear Conceptual Framework. The major benefit of principles-based accounting is that the guidelines can be applied in a variety of situations/industries that avoids the need for managers to manipulate statements to fit a certain requirement (Toppe, Myring, 2009). In principles-based accounting the guidelines are set but not necessarily dictated for every situation, which is one of the major concerns pertaining to this type of accounting system. This situation implies second-guessing and creates uncertainty and requires extensive disclosures in the financial statements. A lack of precise guidelines could create inconsistencies in the application of standards across organizations. For example sometimes financial information can be inconsistent from one company to the next in the same industry thereby damaging the ability for comparability (Doupnik, Perera, 2009). In a principle-based accounting system, the areas of interpretation or discussion are clarified by the standards-setting board, and provide fewer exceptions than a rules-based system. However, IFRS include positions and guidance are considered as sets of rules instead of sets of principles. Stated below are some of the underlying concepts of IFRS that provide a flavor of impacts on the financial statements and therefore on the conduct of businesses. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Consolidation IFRS favors a control model whereas U.S. GAAP prefers a risks-and-rewards model. Some entities consolidated in accordance with FIN 46(R) may have to be shown separately under IFRS. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Statement of Income Under IFRS, extraordinary items are not segregated in the income statement, while, under US GAAP, they are shown below the net income. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Inventory Under IFRS, LIFO (a historical method of recording the value of inventory, a firm records the last units purchased as the first units sold) cannot be used whereas under U.S. GAAP, companies have the choice between LIFO and FIFO (is a common method for recording the value of inventory). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Earning-per-Share Under IFRS, the earning-per-share calculation does not average the individual interim period calculations, whereas under U.S. GAAP the computation averages the individual interim period incremental shares. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Development costs These costs are capitalized under IFRS if certain criteria are met. Under U.S. GAAP development costs are expensed. FASB The Financial Accounting Standard Board herein referred to as the FASB, sets forth standards that outlined in its collection of Concept Statements. The FASB framework applies to general-purpose external financial reporting. This includes not only the financial statements but also other financial and nonfinancial information. Examples include other financial and nonfinancial information contained in company annual reports, company prospectuses and service performance information in the annual reports of non-business entities (IFRSs and US, 2007). Objectives The FASB framework contains two statements on objectives-one relating to business entities (Concepts Statement 1) and another relating to non-business entities. Measurement Measurement is one of the most underdeveloped areas of the two frameworks. Both the IASB and FASB frameworks contain lists of measurement attributes used in practice. Those lists are broadly consistent, and are composed of historical cost, current cost, gross or net realizable (settlement) value, current market value and present value. Both frameworks indicate that the use of different measurement attributes will continue. However, neither provides guidance on how to choose between the different measurements attributes that exist. In other words, the framework lacks fully developed measurement concepts. Those measurement concepts would need to cover both initial measurement and subsequent measurement. Subsequent measurement includes revaluations, impairment and depreciation. The Boards also will need to consider whether the conceptual framework should include not just measurement concepts but also guidance on the techniques of measurement. For example, the FASB conceptual framework includes Concepts Statement 7, on the use of cash flow information and the present value measurement technique to estimate fair value for the purposes of initial recognition and fresh-start accounting. One cross-cutting measurement issue seems to be the unit of account-whether items are grouped at some level of aggregation rather than measured individually (Leuz, 2003). Display-Presentation and Disclosure The display section of the conceptual framework would cover concepts for determining both in which and how recognized information are presented in the primary financial statements and what information are disclosed in the notes or elsewhere in the financial reports. At present, neither framework explicitly sets out definitive concepts of display. Some discussion of presentation and disclosure in the frameworks (for example, both frameworks contain discussion of how information is reported to meet the objectives of financial reporting, by briefly describing the statements that comprise a full set of financial statements and the roles of notes and supplementary information). However, that commentary needs to be pulled together and developed further, to develop concepts of presentation and disclosure useful to the Boards in setting standards for presentation and disclosure (Benston, Bromwich, Wagenhofer, 2006). Fundamental Concepts Underlying Assumptions The accrual basis and the going-concern basis are not listed as underlying assumptions in the FASB framework. Qualitative Characteristics Both frameworks discuss qualitative characteristics of financial information in terms of attributes that make the information provided useful to users in making economic decisions. Both frameworks have similar qualitative characteristics, for example, understandability, relevance, reliability and comparability. Both discuss constraints, such as cost-benefit considerations, and the trade-off between the various qualitative characteristics, such as relevance and reliability. However, there are some differences between the two frameworks. For example, the FASB Concepts Statements set out the characteristics in a hierarchy, treating understandability as a user-specific quality separate from the others, relevance and reliability as the primary qualities and comparability as a secondary quality. In contrast, the IASB framework treats all four as primary qualitative characteristics. Some improvements could be made to the qualitative characteristics of both frameworks. For example, both include neutrality but also prudence or conservatism. Although both frameworks state that the exercise of prudence or conservatism does not allow the deliberate understatement of net assets and profits, some argue that any concept of prudence or conservatism is inconsistent with the concept of neutrality. Discussions with constituents of both Boards suggest that important qualitative characteristics common to both frameworks may be misunderstood. For example, some constituents seem to equate reliability with auditability or verifiability, overlooking the frameworks meaning of correspondence between the accounting information and the real-world economic conditions or events that it purports to represent. Misunderstandings and other difficulties with reliability seem to cut across several present and potential projects at one or both Boards, including revenue recognition, insurance contracts, and fair value measurement (IASB, 2006). Conceptual Framework Project Exposure Draft Some History The first steps taken were to update existing concepts to reflect changes in markets, practices and the economic environment that have occurred in recent years. It was concluded early in the joint project that major reconsideration to all areas of the IASB and FASB frameworks were not needed. They were largely similar. The focus was directed on improving and reaching a convergence between the existing frameworks of each. The convergence process began with a series of exposure drafts. The exposure drafts relating to the joint conceptual framework project are a product of a shared goal of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), herein referred to as the Boards. Their shared goal is to develop a common conceptual framework for financial reporting. The exposure drafts are open for public comment. All comments received by FASB are public information and have been posted on their website. The first discussion paper issued in July 2006 eventually became the first in a series of joint publications that ultimately became the first exposure draft. To date there has been many subsequent drafts published on not only the conceptual framework but also on subsequent issues such as Disclosures, Borrowing Costs, Discontinued Operations, Revenue Recognition, Consolidation, Fair Value Management, Liabilities and many others. As part of the IASBs due process, the Boards consult with practitioners by publishing discussion papers and Exposure Drafts on each of the proposed chapters of the common framework. The new framework is anticipated to be a single document rather than a series of Concept Statements as is the current FASB framework. The Current Exposure Draft- Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting The latest conceptual framework exposure draft published in May 2008 and like its predecessor was open for public comment. It is anticipated that an additional exposure draft on the topic will follow incorporating inputs from various sources and changes needed after future exposure drafts are published on the various topics such as revenue recognition, liabilities, and disclosures among others. Differences between GAAP and IFRS The most common question one could expect to have regarding the new framework is what are the changes? The potential impact and resulting costs on businesses could be huge is there is a large shift away from the current FASB standards. A huge shift appears unlikely as the two are basing their shared framework largely upon the current FASB concept statements, athough there will be some differences. Some of those be addressed in the pages that follow. This list is not by any means an all-inclusive list of the difference, merely a highlight of some of the more notable difference. These differences are subject to change in the future with publication of new exposure drafts concerning the conceptual framework. An an excellent article published by Deloitte that can found at the following link: This article is a more comprehensive list of the differences between IFRS and GAAP that exceeds the scope of this resear ch paper (Conceptual framework for, para.BC1.3 2008), (Current situation and, 2010). Authoritative Status of the Framework Currently FASBs Concept Statements have the same authority as articles and textbook These are surpassed in authority by common accounting practices. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requires entities preparing financial statements under its authority to consider the IASB Framework when there is no standard or interpretation that specifically applies to an event, transaction or similar issue. This would give more authority to the material sourced by the preparers of United States financial statements (Conceptual framework for 2008). General Purpose Financial Reporting The focus of the IASB Framework is on the preparation of financial statements. Currently FASB Statement of Concepts focuses on financial reporting. The disparity between the two becomes less when one considers that the primary focus of FASBs conceptual framework is on the financial statements (Conceptual framework for, para.BC1.3 2008). First-time Adoption Full retrospective application of IFRSs in force at the time of adoption. FASV has no specific standard for first-time adopters. The general practice of U.S. GAAP has been full retrospection application unless a specific standard states otherwise (IFRSs and US, 2007). Consolidation IFRS favors a control model whereas U.S. GAAP prefers a risks-and-rewards model. Some entities consolidated in accordance with FIN 46(R) may have to be shown separately under  IFRS (Forgeas, 2008). Statement of Income Under IFRS, extraordinary items are not segregated in the income statement, while, under US GAAP, they are shown below the net income (Forgeas, 2008). Inventory Under IFRS, LIFO (a historical method of recording the value of inventory, a firm records the last units purchased as the first units sold) cannot be used while under U.S. GAAP, companies have the choice between LIFO and FIFO (is a common method for recording the value of inventory) (Forgeas, 2008). Earning-per-Share Under IFRS, the earning-per-share calculation does not average the individual interim period calculations, whereas under U.S. GAAP the computation averages the individual interim period incremental shares (Forgeas, 2008). Development costs These costs are under IFRS if certain criteria are met, while they are expensed under U.S. GAAP (Forgeas, 2008). Similarities between IFRS and GAAP Below is a list of a few of the similarities between IFRS and GAAP. This list, as with the list of differences, is not an all-inclusive list but a selection of a few of the similarities. Entity Perspective The Boards are similar on the topic of users of financial statements. They both agree that the list of potential users is broad and includes investors, lenders, creditors, employees, suppliers, customers, governments and governmental agencies. They address the entity perspective as the corporation possessing a distinct separateness from its sources of capital providers (Conceptual framework for, para.BC1.11 2008). Primary User Group Again the topic of who the primary users of financial statements are is essentially the same of both Boards. IASB Framework, paragraph 10 says: As investors are providers of risk capital to the entity, the provision of financial statements that meet their needs will also meet most of the needs of other users that financial statements can satisfy. FASB Concepts Statement One focuses on the users of financial information being those whom use the information for investment and credit decisions (Conceptual framework for, para.BC1.3 2008).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Beowulf - Changes In People :: Epic of Beowulf Essays

The tale of Beowulf is one of constant transformation. Great warriors and leaders are turned into cowering peons. Faithful Christians convert to devil worship. Devout followers flee at the sight of trouble. Many people’s morals change quickly and drastically at the sight of change. Personal turmoil abounds with changing values brought about by changing times. People can remain content as long as nothing challenges them, however at the mere sight of change personal chaos abounds. One case of how change causes people to forsake their values happens when Grendal makes his first appearance at Herot. â€Å"Then Hrothgar, taking the throne, led/ The Danes to such glory that comrades and kinsmen/ Swore by his sword, and young men swelled.† (64-67) Hrothgar was a mighty leader of the Danes, but at the sight of a different foe, a change, Hrothgar turned tail and ran. He did not once try to face Grendal (although his attempt would have been insignificant), but would rather let his people live in terror. The Hrothgar describe before the arrival of Grendal was a completely different person, mentally, than the Hrothgar that was terrorized by the monster. He knew only one type of enemy, humans, and once that changed he lost all his leadership power. A true man of values would have kept them no matter what change takes place. Fate does not play a role in Hrothgar’s actions. He is caught up in pride about all his achievements that makes him vulnerable to being caught by change. He becomes too comfortable in his station that he narrows his comfort zone to such a level that any amount of change will throw his off tremendously. Everything that happens is by his own doings. Hrothgar is a perfect example of how people cannot mentally fight evil. Without the constant attack of evil, one will not be able to deal with it when it comes up. Beowulf is constantly battling evil, which makes him more able to battle it when it is encountered. Hrothgar was not exposed to evil, so when it reared its ugly head his only reaction was to flee. If someone lives in a perfect society and leaves, they will not be able to deal with the evil they find because they have never had to deal with it before. Good cannot combat evil if it has never known evil. The only way to resolve Hrothgar’s situation is to bring in someone who has known evil and faced it well, is not prideful, and can adapt to change well.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Machinal’s Representation of Gender

The representation of gender particularly in the past has been strongly manifested in theater, music, dance, and other performance practices. Most of the time, these performances aim to explore gender inequality which is one of the most controversial political issues in history especially during the early 20th century. The issue of gender inequality seems to be an unending concern that is still highly debated in the contemporary world. Human’s cultural, religious, and social orientation differences make this subject timeless. A woman’s social role in history is confined and regimented to home, motherhood, and sexual partner. In the past, these constructed social roles given to women used to prevent them from being involved in politics and many social activities which, as a result, hindered them to fully explore their potentials and capability. The play â€Å"Machinal† written by Sophie Treadwell is only one of the literary pieces that subtly illustrate how women were treated and approached in history. Helen, the main protagonist of the play, is trapped in a male dominated society bound by the trend of forced marriage were love is considered unnecessary. The play mainly features a woman who, after seeing the reality of her situation, is encouraged to perform wickedness. Machinal is a tragedy and drama which presents the events from the point of view of a young woman. The first episode of the play with the office as the main setting shows the authentic personality of the young woman. Her lack of interest and focus in an office work manifested in her tardiness shows that she feels subdued by her work. She cannot stand the stifling crowd in the subway who seem to enjoy their routinary job. The â€Å"sounds of machine going, which continue throughout the scene† intentionally illustrate the machine-like quality of the surrounding (Treadwell 1). Office or secretarial work given to women symbolizes their lack of opportunity in career world. The sound of clattering typewriters, adding machines, and ringing telephones metaphorically depicts the confined and oppressive world of women during 1920’s. They were perceived as the inferior gender not just physically but intellectually, limiting their chances to engage in a more competitive and challenging job. However, as a young woman eager for new kind adventure, love, and life, Helen does not fit in such a constricted work environment. The character of Helen depicts the emergence of modern American women who have woken up to the reality that women are more than how the society perceives them. At that time, women like Helen were starting to unconsciously establish a mentality that they have much to offer beyond the confines of home and motherhood. Demoralized in her new role as a mother, Helen’s discouragement from the birth of her daughter in episode four is only one of the consequences highlighted in a marriage devoid of emotion. Her total dependency on her husband financially forced her to stay in a loveless marriage and eventually made her conform to the given roles. Thus, this episode suggests that, just like most women in the early 20th century, Helen married for the purpose of financial security and position. Most women at that time were willing participants or victims who totally conformed to the society’s standard. However, when Helen met a man who introduced her to the new experience of momentary passion, she finally realized how society has confined her and how her husband, George, has unconsciously dominated her every decision. With her feelings of hopelessness, Helen decided to murder her husband to free herself from the constraints of the society. The story or play was created during 1920’s when there was already an emergence of women’s movement by the group of feminists in the U. S. that sought for equality with men. â€Å"The abstract presentation and discussion over women’s status that started from 1846† encouraged different kinds of literature to explore the issue of gender inequality (Imbornoni). The character of Helen presents a subtle reality in the past that inspires and reminds contemporary women that they must enjoy a wider freedom they have right now.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reviewing and Summarizing the Life of Sarny

A very powerful sequel to the book Nightjohn, Gary Paulsen’s book entitled Sarny: a Life Remembered follows the life of a brave woman who learned to read and write while being held captive by slavery and how she served as an inspiration to her fellowmen. The story is set during the Civil War and slavery was reaching its peak action. Therefore, the book was focused on the important themes related to war such as justice and freedom. Because the narrator was a female slave, the voice of the story is naturally defiant, brave, and full of hope. This is a very qualification of novels that tackle about the lives of Black slaves for it adds character to the wholeness of the plot. In the narration of the book, Sarny was already ninety years old. Her lifetime was devoted her struggles to unite her family, to keep her children safe, and to be able to serve as an educator to other slaves. In Paulsen’s work we witness how Sarny victoriously escaped slavery and how she taught herself to be literate, along with the other slaves she was with. She was married twice and her two children, Tyler and Delie, were separated from her when they were sold as debt payments by their owner. When she was able to leave her owner, she dedicated her time and effort to search for her children. After achieving emancipation, Sarny devoted her time in building a school where she would teach other former slaves to be literate. Other important characters in the story were Lucy, a young slave who has become Sarny’s friend on the road, and Miss Laura, who helped Sarny find her children. These two characters contribute significantly to the direction of Sarny’s life. On the other hand, Sarny also served as an important factor to the developments of these two characters. Sarny is an amazing, informative book to read for all ages, particularly targeting the audience of young adolescents. Even though the main protagonist of the story was already in her nineties, the whole plot of the story would be educational and interesting for all young students who would read this book. There is a fair amount of racial violence and sexual issues that were tackled in the book so the readers should at least be adolescents. But as a whole, Sarny has a very interesting array of characters and its plot is really heartwarming. It is a book that deserves to be highly recommended for it touches important realities of motherhood, family life, slavery, social equality, and freedom.